Jesus is always walking with us. We may not know that he is walking with us, but he is there. Sometimes we see our footsteps and his and other times we only see one set.

Remember the account of the two disciples who were walking to Emmaus. Jesus came up and started talking to them. They didn’t even know it was Him. They offered him to come into their place and eat with them. Not until after that they recognized Him. Remember he was just crucified three days prior. This is now His resurrection. See Luke 24:13-35 & Mark 16:12-13.
We may not recognize that He is walking with us right away, it may take a while. Sometimes we will know that He is walking with us. Remember its a personal relationship with Christ that we have not a religion.
Now that brings me back to the point of only one one foot prints long the path. I believe this is the time when Jesus, the Great Shepherd picks us up and carries us. Just like a Good Shepherd when his lamb is unable to walk, the good shepherd will carry the lamb on his back. This is the same way that Christ does. He carries us on His back, just like he carried that old rugged Cross.
He carries us and helps us. He is our comfort, our strong tower. He is our all and all.
So when you think that Christ isn’t walking with you, remember God is always with us. He gave us that promise. We are the ones that turn away from Him. So if you feel Christ is not walking with you. Then more than likely you have unrepented sin in your life. Repent and Turn to Christ now.
I am sure most of us have heard the poem the Footprints in the Sand by Margaret Fishback Powers.
One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.
After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.
This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
“Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You’d walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me.”
He whispered, “My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you.”
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