Five Tips To Help You Save Year-Round

Tips 71907

Making a few simple DIY changes to your home can help you decrease monthly costs and reduce the need for upkeep. Check out these five tips that can help you increase energy efficiency and save on home expenses year-round.

Five Tips To Help You Save Year-Round

Tips 71907

  1. Seal windows and doorways. Your windows and doorways should be barriers to hot, humid heat in summer and chilly temperatures in winter. Sealing windows and doorways will help keep cold air in and hot air out, lowering energy bills. Make sure to use the appropriate binding component: caulk for more stationary applications and weather strips for movable parts.
  2. Install shades. When temperatures rise, energy bills needn’t follow. You can stabilize temperatures in your house by raising and lowering your shades, so the sun keeps its heat to itself in warmer months and provides heating gratis when it’s cold out. Pay special attention to south- and east-facing windows, as they tend to get the majority of sunlight.
  3. Swap to cost-effective, energy-saving LEDs. Swap out traditional incandescent lightbulbs with LEDs. This simple update will save on your electric bill and is better for the environment. For example, the inexpensive SYLVANIA 10-Year LED portfolio offers high-quality lighting for all around your home, inside and out. Compared to similar LED products, these can save you around 50 to 70 percent and they last up to 10 years, so you won’t have to replace them frequently as with old-fashioned bulbs. You can find the portfolio at major retailers nationwide and online. (I have been working on this.)
  4. Unplug household appliances and electronics when not in use. Some household appliances and electronics use energy even when they’re turned off or in standby mode. According to, unplugging unused electronics can save you as much as 10 percent on your electricity bill. (I do this myself, especially if I am going to be away from home.)
  5. Turn off the lights. Create a personal habit of turning lights off when you leave a room. This contributes to savings in energy and costs over time. LIGHTIFY smart connected lighting from OSRAM SYLVANIA can be turned off wherever you are, via your mobile device, if you forget to do it at home. (This is something I am a big on and a pet peeve of mine, I cannot stand a light on when not in use).

Learn More

To learn more tips on energy-efficient lighting, visit

Article compliments of NAPSnet.

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3 thoughts on “Five Tips To Help You Save Year-Round

  1. These are excellent tips on how to save on home bills! Aside from all of these, I’ve noticed that my energy bills have gone down significantly after I chucked out old appliances and replaced them with Energy star rated ones 🙂

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