The First Wrapped Gift have you ever wondered what was the very first wrapped gift ever given? I didn’t think too much about it until 2014, when I had our maintenance guy over fixing something at the apartment. I was discussing the blog post, Blood Sweat Prayer with my daughter. He then asked me if I knew what the first gift ever wrapped was? I said no, he told me what the First Wrapped Gift was.

The First Wrapped Gift
Mary she wrapped the baby Jesus. Jesus was a gift to us. The gift of Salvation. He was born, came on earth to live, to become our living sacrifice. He became the Lamb of the Passover. His blood was shed for us.
What an awesome gift that was given to us. We couldn’t ask for anything more. This is the perfect and best give that has ever been given.
What do you mean Jesus was wrapped?
Think about it … Mary wrapped Baby Jesus in swaddling cloths. See Luke 2:7 NKJV, below.
And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
I want to go and take this a bit further. We know Jesus was born, He came to die for our sins. When He was buried, He was wrapped in Burial Cloth too. So Again, Jesus was wrapped as a gift for us. This gift he conquered death and gave us eternal life with Him. See John 20:7 HCSB (below) shows us that when they came to the tomb they found the burial cloth there.
The wrapping that had been on His head was not lying with the linen cloths but was folded up in a separate place by itself.
So as you can see Jesus was the first and The Greatest Gift Ever. He was not only wrapped once for us, but He was wrapped twice.He was wrapped at birth and wrapped at death. But if you notice the wrapping didn’t keep Him in the tomb, as He is Risen and alive today!
Jesus died to save you and me both.. Will you accept Him today?
Not only was Jesus the first wrapped gift but He was the The Greatest Gift Ever.
First published December 20, 2014. Last Republished/updated December 2, 2020.
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Come behold Him in the manger,
God’s most precious Gift to man;
Holy Spirit, help us,… guide us,
To the True Redeemer’s Plan.
Perfect Lamb, Jehovah’s Shepherd,
Servant, Savior, coming King…
Bread Unleavened for the starving,
“Peace on earth!” the angels sing.
Let us gather to adore Him…
May we tremble…may we quake!
May we run to this Strong Tower…
Let us bow for Heaven’s sake!
Truth unveiled…apocalypsis!
Through the Virgin’s Womb by Grace;
Sinners, hear God’s invitation!
Wise men still may seek his Face.