Firefighting a Rewarding Career

Firefighting can be a rewarding career and exciting opportunity to serve one’s community. Firefighters protect homes and businesses when fires unexpectedly break out, saving millions of dollars in potential property loss. These invaluable workers also make emergency medical calls and may help preserve lives until paramedics or other medical services can respond.

Firefighting a Rewarding Career

With all the wildfires going on around us, like in Gatlinburg and the all the southern states in the United States, I am sure it has got people thinking about fire fighting. On behalf of myself and Courageous Christian Father, I would like to thank all the men and women who help to fight fires everywhere. Thank you for your service to where you serve.

One Fire Department Got the Boy Scouts Involved


The two years I lived up in Gaylord, MI, I helped with a local Boy Scout Troop up there. We went on one camperee. At this one, they had what the elementary schools would call trunk day, pretty much. They had fire trucks, ambulances, police cars and even a black hawk helicopter.

But what stood out the most was, they had each troop pick one boy, at least 17 years old to come to the fire station area. What they did was, put the gear on each one of the boys. Then they set fire to a car and let it burn for a little while. Then they made them put the fire out. Of course they gave them a crash course on how to use the equipment. But let me tell you, I am sure that was a great recruiting method right there for them too!

Firefighting a Rewarding Career

The United States Department of Labor reports that there are more than 300,000 professional firefighters across the country. More than 90 percent of all those firefighters  employed by local governments.

Despite the risk involved in firefighting, many find it a very satisfying career. The requirements to become a firefighter vary depending on the locality, but people willing to put in the time and effort to become a firefighter can likely find a department that will give them a chance. The application process to become a firefighter is very competitive, and the training is physically demanding. The following are a few tips for men and women mulling a career as a firefighter.

Becoming a Fire Fighter

Meet the basic requirements.

Confirm the schooling and age requirements for the job. Depending on where they apply, firefighters may need to have high school diplomas or some college credits. Age requirements are common as well, as many departments mandate that applicants are at least 18 or 21 upon submitting their applications.

Refrain from drug use and illegal activity.

Firefighters must be physically fit and undergo a criminal background checks and drug screenings. A firefighter must stay sober minded to be able to perform the duties needed.

Undergo CPR and EMT training.

Firefighters may be called upon in emergency medical situations. As a result, many firefighters are required to have an Emergency Medical Technician, or EMT, license. Even if a license is not a requirement, it is a helpful to have and may increase your odds of being hired.

Take fire technology courses.

According to FireRescue1, a resource that features the most current news and analysis from some of the top experts in fire service, taking a semester of building construction and fire behavior can help too. Such coursework can educate prospective firefighters about how buildings are built and may make them more attractive candidates.

Speak to current firefighters.

Visit a local firehouse to speak to current firefighters. Ask questions of the firefighters and get their impressions on training and testing. They may offer some job leads, and some may even offer some first-hand advice from their time in the field.

Become a volunteer firefighter.

Volunteer as a firefighter while enrolled in training or while studying. This can provide you with a pretty accurate idea of what the job entails. Gaining hands-on experience prior to applying for a permanent position — or even if the decision is made to keep volunteering — can be quite handy.

Take the tests.

Firefighting tests vary depending on the agency, but many include a written examination, oral interview and physical aptitude/agility exam. A person may not pass the first time around, but he or she will gain experience and understand which areas to work on for future examinations.

Becoming a firefighter takes commitment, physical and emotional strength and a willingness to help one’s community.

Blog Post on Interest

  • You may want to check out some facts about fire and also some safety checklist in this blog post: Fire Safety 101 Tips
  • How about a prayer for Fire Fighters? Check out the Fire Fighters Prayer
  • One Christian Movies comes to my mind when I think about Firefighters that is Fireproof.

Any other tips or stories to share?

If you are a fire fighter and would love to add tips for those interested in becoming a fire fighter, please share them below. Stories of being a fire fighter are welcome too.

Article compliments of Metro Creative with revisions made by Steve. TF16A458


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2 thoughts on “Firefighting a Rewarding Career

  1. The importance of training cannot be overstated in the world of emergency services. Where life safety is at risk, competence of the responders should be paramount.

    1. Not only is important training of the emergency responder. Some training needs for civilians to understand what needs done. So they don’t interfere with the emergency situation.

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