Easter Symbols

Easter Symbols – Easter is replete with many recognized symbols.  Tradition plays an important role in Easter celebrations for many families. Cherished traditions and symbols of Easter may include anything from egg hunts to lilies to lambs. Understanding the importance behind these symbols can make sharing the miracle of Easter that much more special. #EasterSymbols

Easter Symbols

Easter Symbols

Tradition plays an important role in Easter celebrations for many families. Cherished traditions and symbols of Easter may include anything from egg hunts to lilies to lambs. Understanding the importance behind these symbols can make sharing the miracle of Easter that much more special.

Easter Sunday is one of the most meaningful days on the Christian calendar. Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe died by crucifixion as a sacrifice to atonement. Many symbols are associated with Easter, and understanding these symbols can help Christians and non-Christians alike gain a stronger grasp of this deeply meaningful Christian day of worship.

Cross /Crucifix

The cross, also known as a crucifix is one of the central symbols of Easter and Christianity. The cross is a symbol of Christ’s crucifixion and sacrifice. The crucifix also highlights the ability of God to give new life to people after death.

In addition to wearing and displaying the cross during Easter, some people bake “hot cross buns” as another symbol of the season.


Eggs are one of the more recognizable symbols of Easter. For Easter egg hunts, eggs are hard-boiled and decorated in bright hues. It’s believed that the origins of Easter eggs are both secular and religious. From the secular (once pagan) perspective, the egg is an ancient symbol of new life, according to The History Channel, and has been associated with pagan festivals that celebrate spring. Some Christians feel that Easter eggs represent Christ’s emergence from the tomb and his subsequent resurrection. Eggs were once a food not consumed during Lent, therefore painting and decorating them to mark the end of fasting and penance became a way to celebrate Easter.

Read about the Truth about Easter Eggs

Also check out the Empty Egg being the Empty Tomb in this You’ve Been Egged Printable!

Rabbit aka Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny is very much a secular symbol of the holiday, but one that has become so ingrained with the season that many people ascribe to it a Christian meaning. Pagan celebrations of spring often linked rabbits or hares with the season because of their fertility and ability to bring forth new life. According to the Christian living resource Crosswalk, believers associate the rabbit coming out of its underground home as a symbol of Christ emerging from the tomb.

Read about the Truth about the Easter Bunny


Lilies are often exchanged during Easter celebrations or presented as hostess gifts for those sharing the holiday meal with others. The American Bible Society says lilies grow in the spring around the time when Easter is typically celebrated. Also, because they look like trumpets, they can be a symbol that heralds Christ’s resurrection.



The lamb is another symbol associated with Easter. Lambs were originally associated with the Jewish holiday of Passover, when lambs were sacrificed and their blood was used to mark which houses contained those faithful to God. As a result of his crucifixion, Christ became the symbolic lamb for all – the ultimate sacrifice.

According to CatholicCulture.org, the lamb represents Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. The lamb can be connected to Jewish Passover, a Jewish holiday that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. During the celebration of Passover, each Jewish family killed a lamb as a sacrifice. Christians commonly refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God who God sacrificed so Christians’ sins could be forgiven. He is also known as the sacrificial lamb.


New clothing is another symbol of Easter that traces its origins back further than many Christians may realize. It’s customary for present-day Christians to don their Sunday best when attending Easter Sunday Mass, and the tradition of looking sharp on Easter can be traced to the early Christians, who would wear new white robes for baptisms during Easter services. Eventually, all Easter celebrants began to wear new clothes during Easter services. Including the Easter Bonnet.

Palm fronds

Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent, taking place one week before Easter Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. According to the Gospels, Jesus rode a young donkey into Jerusalem, where the townspeople threw palms in front of him in homage. That practice was a customary sign of respect in Jerusalem, and today Christians believe the palm is a sign of peace. Palms continue to be distributed to the faithful during Palm Sunday Mass.

Easter Blog Posts

Below is a list of blog posts that relate to Easter. Be sure to check them all out!

Easter Blog Posts
Easter Posts Easter Blog Posts Complete Blog Post List for Easter
  1. 1 Cross, 3 Nails, 4 Given Church Sign
  2. 8 Things Jesus Accomplished on the Cross
  3. 20th anniversary of the powerful film, “The Passion of the Christ.”
  4. A-Z of Easter, The
  5. Amber Alert: Jesus Christ is Missing
  6. Arise My Love by Newsong
  7. Ascension
  8. Ash Wednesday, Day of Ashes
  9. Body of Christ
  10. Breakfast Pizza
  11. Broken Egg
  12. CEO Christians Church Sign
  13. Colors of Easter
  14. Cracking the Tradition of Hiding Easter Eggs
  15. Create and Hide Unbreakable Easter Eggs
  16. Cross Acronym
  17. Cross of Jesus
  18. Cross Tree
  19. Dogwood Tree
  20. Drive-Thru Easter Egg Hunt
  21. Dye Eggs with All Natural Ingredients
  22. Easter celebrations in the era of social distancing
  23. Easter Egg Trunk Hunt
  24. Easter Finger Puzzle Printable
  25. Easter is Canceled
  26. Easter Lilies Can Kill A Cat?
  27. Easter Monday
  28. Easter Story Snack Mix Printable
  29. Easter Sweet Treats Makes Easter Special
  30. Easter Symbols
  31. Easter Trees
  32. Easter Word Search Printable
  33. Egg Rolling
  34. Emoji Easter Story Printable
  35. Empty Egg
  36. Finished An Easter Spoken Word Videos by KB
  37. Forgiveness
  38. Free Easter Printables
  39. Good Friday
  40. Happy Easter “Resurrection Day”
  41. He is Risen Display
  42. Hiding Easter Eggs
  43. History of Easter Bonnets
  44. Holy Monday
  45. Holy Saturday
  46. Holy Thursday
  47. Holy Tuesday
  48. Holy Wednesday
  49. Hot Cross Buns
  50. If Jesus Had An Obituary
  51. Importance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
  52. It’s Not About the Bunny Church Sign
  53. Jelly Bean Prayer Printable
  54. Jesus Shows His Scars
  55. KSBJ’s Cross Stops in Houston!
  56. Lazarus Saturday
  57. Legend of the Donkey’s Cross
  58. Legend of the Sand Dollar Printable
  59. Legend of the Three Trees
  60. Lent
  61. Let kites soar: A Lenten tradition takes flight
  62. Life Savers
  63. Make Easter Eggs Last
  64. Maundy Thursday
  65. Meaning Behind Easter Lilies
  66. No Bones About It – Jesus Is Alive!
  67. Palm Sunday
  68. Passover
  69. Resurrection Bracelet
  70. Resurrection Rolls
  71. Searching for Christ
  72. Shrove Tuesday
  73. Silly Rabbit, Easter is for Jesus
  74. Son of God Movie Review
  75. Spy Wednesday
  76. Stay-At-Home Spring Printables for Kids
  77. Stitching Easter delights with Sewing
  78. Sweating Blood Prayer
  79. Telelestai
  80. That’s My King Dr. S.M. Lockridge
  81. The Rock at UT Painted for Easter (2024)
  82. The University of Tennessee Rock painted with an Easter Messages (2022)
  83. Trail to the Empty Tomb
  84. Truth About Easter Bunny & Easter Eggs
  85. That Tomb Is Still Empty, Easter Story Told by Two Kids
  86. Unique Easter Traditions from Around the Globe
  87. University of Tennessee Rock painted with an Easter Message, The
  88. What if the Resurrection Happened Today
  89. What’s So Good About Good Friday?
  90. Why Did Jesus Fold the Napkin?
  91. Words of Forgiveness by Saving Darkness
  92. You, Sin, Christ – A Simple Illustration
  93. You’ve Been Egged Printable

Article Compliments of MetroCreative TF163095 & TF183823. Some revisions and additions were done too. Previously published March 2018. Last updated or republished March 12, 2024.

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