Ears Lowered

Ever heard someone say, “I just got my ears lowered”? If you were puzzled by this idiom, you’re not alone. It’s a quirky, humorous way to say, “I just got a haircut.”

The Idiom “Ears Lowered”: More Than Just a Haircut

Ever heard someone say, “I just got my ears lowered”? If you were puzzled by this idiom, you're not alone. It's a quirky, humorous way to say, “I just got a haircut.”

a man getting his hair cut by a hair stylist
Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

Origins of the Idiom

The phrase “getting your ears lowered” is rooted in the imagery of the barber’s chair. When someone sits down for a trim, the hair around their ears is cut shorter. Visually, it gives the impression that the ears are suddenly more visible or “lower” in relation to the rest of the head. The phrase likely gained traction in the mid-20th century and became a playful way to describe the simple act of getting a haircut.

Just the other day, I told a young boy, coworkers son, I see you got your ears lowered. He was confused, so I explained it to him.

Contexts and Usage

While it may sound old-fashioned to some, “”getting your ears lowered” is still used by people with a penchant for colorful language. It’s a nod to the humor of everyday life, making a mundane activity like a haircut sound a bit more entertaining. You might hear it from older generations or in regions with a strong tradition of colloquial expressions.

Embracing the Humor

Part of what makes this idiom delightful is its whimsy. In a world filled with literal communication, such expressions add a layer of playfulness to our conversations. Whether you’re at the barber or just chatting about your latest trim, saying you got your ears lowered is a surefire way to bring a smile to someone’s face.

Next time you visit the barber, try it out! It’s a small but charming way to keep the spirit of quirky idioms alive.

Have you ever used this phrase or heard it from someone before? Or do you have a favorite idiom I should blog about? Share in the comments below.

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