Divine Preparation: The Planted Tree That Met Zacchaeus’ Need

Divine Preparation: The Planted Tree That Met Zacchaeus’ Need – Long before Zacchaeus couldn’t see Jesus, the tree was already planted to meet his need – In the Gospel of Luke, we come across the beautiful account of Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector who longed to see Jesus. However, Zacchaeus faced a significant obstacle—he was short in stature, making it impossible for him to catch a glimpse of the Savior amidst the large crowd. But little did Zacchaeus know that long before his desire to see Jesus arose, a tree had been planted, perfectly positioned to meet his need. This incredible incident teaches us a profound lesson about God’s providence and how He prepares for our encounters with Him even before we are aware of our deepest desires.

Divine Preparation: The Planted Tree That Met Zacchaeus’ Need


Seeing this meme pop up in my Facebook history made me think … this needs a blog post and this is that blog post.

Divine Preparation: The Planted Tree That Met Zacchaeus' Need - Long before Zacchaeus couldn't see Jesus, the tree was already planted to meet his need - In the Gospel of Luke, we come across the beautiful account of Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector who longed to see Jesus. However, Zacchaeus faced a significant obstacle—he was short in stature, making it impossible for him to catch a glimpse of the Savior amidst the large crowd. But little did Zacchaeus know that long before his desire to see Jesus arose, a tree had been planted, perfectly positioned to meet his need. This incredible incident teaches us a profound lesson about God's providence and how He prepares for our encounters with Him even before we are aware of our deepest desires.
95.1 Shine FM meme from 2018

The Tree’s Silent Growth:

God, in His infinite wisdom, had foreseen Zacchaeus’ desire to see Jesus and arranged for a tree to be planted in the right place at the right time. Just as the tree grew silently over the years, our heavenly Father works behind the scenes, orchestrating events and preparing circumstances to align with His perfect plan for our lives. The unseen work of God in our lives often unfolds long before we recognize His hand at play.

Zacchaeus Song lyrics

I remember singing this song as a child in Children’s Church. Here are the lyrics:

Zacchaeus was a wee little man,
And a wee little man was he.
He climbed up in a sycamore tree (pretend to climb a tree)
For the Lord he wanted to see.

And as the Savior passed that way
He looked up in the tree,
And he said, “Zacchaeus you come down, For I’m going to your house today!”
For I’m going to your house today!

God’s Purposeful Timing:

The moment Jesus reached the vicinity of Jericho, the very city where Zacchaeus resided, the divine timing was set in motion. Likewise, God’s timing is never accidental or arbitrary. Every season we pass through, every circumstance we encounter, and every delay we experience are intricately connected to God’s purpose for our lives. Zacchaeus had to wait patiently until the time was ripe for him to encounter Jesus, and in that waiting, his faith and anticipation grew.

Zacchaeus’ Determination:

Zacchaeus’ short stature could have discouraged him from seeking Jesus, but his determination prevailed. He overcame the obstacles before him by running ahead and climbing the sycamore-fig tree. Similarly, when we encounter challenges or hindrances in our spiritual journey, we must persist and seek creative ways to overcome them. God rewards our determination and faithfulness with encounters that transform our lives.

Jesus’ Intentional Pause:

As Jesus passed by the tree, He stopped, looked up, and called Zacchaeus by name. In that moment, Zacchaeus’ heart was filled with joy and anticipation. Jesus knew him intimately, even before they met face to face. This encounter reminds us that Jesus is aware of our individual needs, desires, and struggles. His intentional pause in our lives allows for a personal encounter that brings about transformative change.


The story of Zacchaeus and the planted tree serves as a powerful reminder of God’s providence and the lengths to which He goes to meet our deepest needs. Long before Zacchaeus desired to see Jesus, the tree was already planted, waiting for the day when it would serve its purpose. In our own lives, God is continually working in the background, aligning circumstances, and positioning people and resources to intersect with our spiritual journey. Let us trust in His perfect timing, exercise determination, and be ready to respond when He calls our name. God has already planted the tree, and He will ensure that our encounters with Him are transformative and life-changing.

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2 thoughts on “Divine Preparation: The Planted Tree That Met Zacchaeus’ Need

  1. Thank you for this inspirational information about God providing for us before we even need it.

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