Here is an interesting video I came across. It is entitled
I am not sure if this is the original, but this is the one that comes up when you do a Google search.
Joshua Feuerstein, an evangelist, who is in this video, takes a strong stances on proving that evolution is wrong. I will say Feuerstein is strong and firm when he talks. Feuerstein is also direct when he gives his speech. Press play above in this blog post and listen.
At time of posting this video has been out around one week and has had nearly 31,000 views. There are other people how have shared this video too, but not as many views.
While you are at it check out this video by Ray Comfort’s Evolution vs God. Another great video to prove Evolution is wrong. Ray Comfort goes to UCLA and talk to Science professors about evolution. Asking for proof. Find out in that video what proof if any was given by those professors.
God is the creator, we should be teaching the Creation Story, not theories. Creation.com is a great place to research Biblical Creation stories, plus they also prove about Evolution being false.
Adding this after I posted this blog entry it seems this video is getting a lot of heat on the Internet. You have a lot of atheist trying to trash this guy. You got your science junkies as well. Main premise of the video is as Christians not to believe in evolution or the Big Bang Theory. I do not believe in either one of them. I believe in creation according to the Bible. God spoke it and created it.
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Evolution is a lie from Satan’s mind.
yup anything to deny what God did is a lie from the devil. The devil will do anything to try to make people not believe.
“[Psalm 19 The Witness of Creation and Scripture] For the choir director. A Davidic psalm. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands. Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge.” — Psalm 19:1-2