Days of Elijah
Blood Moons Rising
The Seven Holy Feasts of the Lord!
On September 4, 2015, I got to do my third visit to the Biblical Times Dinner Theater in Pigeon Forge, TN. Each time I am very impressed with the production and the food. I have had the pleasure to see Moses Mountain of God & The Christmas Story.

All three shows are very good. If you can get to go see them, I would recommend it! Each production offers a different meal plan. Also if you are vegetarian, you must let the box office know about buying your ticket.
I also recommend upgrading to the preferred seating.
The owners, researched and wrote the script to the show. They made it 100% Biblical they said. From what I can tell they used a lot of Bible verse references throughout the show. (I share the ones I heard)
I do believe Genesis 1:14 is the main focal verse for this production. How the stars, moon and sun show signs to the end of times.
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;
While you are being seat, they are playing a DVD “Blood Moons” by Mark Biltz. They have it for sale for $20 there. You will get to see the first 15 minutes of that DVD. I would like to go back and buy it, but I didn’t have the extra money on my visit to purchase it. Looking online you can find it $15 plus shipping and handling, which would cost the same as buying it at the Biblical Times Dinner Theater but you will be able to get it there and then and not wait for the mail. They also sell the book that goes with the DVD.
During this time the Ukrainian Wait staff will give you your cup and drink, this time it was sweet tea or lemonade. You can also pick water if you want. Then they will give you your salad dressing. Then your salad. By this time it will be the start of the First Segment.
In the video They even went over the Jewish Holidays and the occurrences of the Blood Moons that happened during the past and present Blood Moon Series. The heavens declare the glory of God. Remember God is in control. God show that to Hezekiah when God turned back the sundial ten degrees.
The video even talked about how we use a Sun calendar while the Muslims use the moon calendar. But the Biblical calendar uses both the sun and the moon. Plus more that I got from the about the first 15 minutes of the DVD you get to see during the Pre-Show.
First Segment – Gospel Singing
During the first segment you get to hear hear gospel singing and even a short testimony of the singers. Each one will get to share their testimonies and a special song for you. During this time, you will be given your meal. By the time they are done with the first half you will have already finished dessert too. This part is usually around an hour.
You can take flash photography and videos during this part of the show. But you cannot when they do the Second Segment and the production.
The Meal – Wood Grill
This is all the food that you get …
- Marinated Wood Smoked Steak Tips with green peppers, onions and mushrooms
- Marinated Wood Grilled Chicken Fillet
- Maple Sliced Ham
- Garlic Fried Potatoes
- Buttered Cut Corn and Carrots
- Crispy Tossed Salad
- Large Buttered Yeast Roll
- Brownie with chocolate sauce and whipped topping

My steak tips didn’t have any mushrooms. I was glad of that, I don’t like mushrooms. But, I would have still picked them out. But, my steak tips did seem a bit dry. My chicken fillets were too. My ham slice was moist. I did enjoy the potatoes. The corn was good, but I don’t like carrots either. Yes, I am a picky eater. But, I still could pick the carrots out. The Salad that you get before your meal was not bad. Mostly just iceberg lettuce. The roll was good. I needed some butter, but I am sure that is available upon request and I didn’t ask. Now the brownie I thought was on the very dry side. It almost fell apart. I did notice that not many people ate theirs in my row.
I will tell you the wait staff is very fast, so if you are not done they may take your plate before you are finished. That happened to my daughter at the Moses production.
The meal is prepared at the Wood Grill Buffet next door to the Biblical Times Dinner Theater.
I know with Moses and the Christmas production they would say it was a meal of Biblical proportions, but they didn’t say that this time with this production.
Ukraine Wait Staff Dance
Even the Ukrainian wait staff gets to go on stage and do a special dance for you. The wait staff is very friendly and very fast at what they do too.
Second Segment – Days of Elijah Performance
Before the second segment you get to have an intermission and you have already finished the complete meal. They have gifts you can buy like a Bible cover, shirts, hats, CD’s, DVDs and more. Plus you can buy coffee and a portion goes to benefit the Smoky Mountain Christian Village, I believe it was.
Now we come to the main event the production of Days of Elijah. Please note that you cannot take flash photography or videos of this show due to the safety of the performers. This show is one of their longest productions. They wanted to make sure they get all the Bible they can in it. This one runs about 75 minutes.
This show went over the seven holy feast of the Lord, the Jewish feast festivals. The Blood Moons usually occur during our around the past Blood Moons. I do believe by watching this show this production does point to a Rapture then the Tribulation Period.
I learned some new words, some Biblical words too. These usually are the Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic. (Native Biblical Word).
You will get to go over both the Spring Feast and the Fall Feast.
The show points to prophecy that was said to happen and showed where it happened in Jesus Christ.
More …
I learned that 3,000 were destroyed during the Exodus of Moses, but get this during Pentecost, 3,000 were added.
Even that today we seem to be in the Days of Moses and Lot with giving into stuff like abortion and same-sex marriage, etc.
Did you know that Elijah is suppose to come first? In my eschatology class that they believe Elijah and Moses are the two witnesses during the tribulation period.
Not wanting to give it all away but you I do encourage you to go see this production or even the other productions they put on.
I enjoyed the performance very well. I even learned more about the end of times and some prophecy. Check out below as I share the Bible verses that I wrote down that I heard. I know there was more used but not given as what address it is.
The Cast
They have a variety of cast some are from this state of Tennessee. Each of them got to share a short testimony and sing a special song to you. Here is where some of the cast are from.
- Memphis, TN
- Loudon, TN
- Debary, FL
- New Jersey
- Lexington, TN

The one from Florida, he had some great facial expressions as he sings. I wonder if he is over acting when he sings. But they were interesting to watch as he did the Gospel Singing segment (First Segment)
After the show
After the show you get to meet the cast. I didn’t get to meet them as I left this time. I did run into two of the ladies and told them they did a great job. But I did get to talk to the owner after the show. Plus, I got to talk to the manager afterward too.
Days of Elijah Bible References
- Genesis 1:14
- Psalm 19:1
- Isaiah 38:8
- Leviticus 23:1-2
- Matthew 17:1-3
- Malachi 4:5-6
- Isaiah 50:6
- Isaiah 53:3
- Zechariah 11:12-13
- Psalm 22:14
- Psalm 34:20
- John 12:18
- Daniel 9:26
- Leviticus 23:6-8
- Isaiah 53:5
- Zechariah 12:10
- Isaiah 53:9
- Matthew 27:57-60
- Leviticus 16:13-14
- Hosea 6:2
- Leviticus 23:15-17
- Acts 2:1-6
- Leviticus 23:23-24
- Matthew 24:36
- 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
- Leviticus 23:26-27
- Zechariah 14:4
- Leviticus 15:16-18
- Exodus 34:29
- Matthew 27:51
- Leviticus 16:8-10
- Luke 17:26-28
- Genesis 6:5
- Leviticus 23:39-40
- Luke 21:34
- Genesis 6:11
- Isaiah 3:9
- Luke 17:28
- Genesis 7:1
- Genesis 19:15
- Isaiah 66:8
- Isaiah 35:1-2
- Leviticus 25:8-30
You should be able to click each one and it will take you to that Bible verse. As you can see there was a lot of Bible references quoted during the show. I am sure there was more that wasn’t noted what the address was. I would say with that there was over 50 Bible verses used throughout the production.
Related Blog Post
This is a list of the related blog post on Courageous Christian Father that I wanted to point out personally to you to check out.
- The Blood Moon What Is It?
- Days of Elijah Military Style
- Super Moon
- Proverbs 6
- Abortion is Murder
- Marriage: One Man, One Woman, Period!
When I look into these holidays and do research, I plan to post them on here. So follow this blog so you won’t miss that!
In Closing
I highly recommend you go see this production of Days of Elijah. Take your family, your church or youth group. This production also inspired me to look up and research on these Jewish Holidays and how they relate to Jesus today or during his life time including his death, burial and resurrection. Some even point to His Second Coming. I also encourage you all to be ready! Christ can come back any moment. No one knows the hour or time. Today is the day of Salvation!
My daughter got to go with me and enjoyed it too. She liked her meal too, but she did say her brownie was dry too and she didn’t like it. She did hear some things that she has heard in her Bible History class at the high school. I also noticed that when the song I am Redeemed came on, she sat in her chair and was doing some of the moves to an interpretive dance she learned at the church to that song.
I still think it would be neat to get a back stage experience. Maybe what they go through behind the scenes. What the lights and camera people go through etc. Just basically a look at the behind the scenes. What most people don’t know about. What it takes to put this or similar productions on for you.
I found out that they will soon have a new production coming up for you. They Christmas Story production will be starting around November.
Contact info:
When you go, tell them you heard about them from
You can learn more about Biblical Times Dinner Theater, more about their productions, meals and more by going to their location, calling them or visiting them on the web. (Info given below)
Light #2, 2391 Parkway
Pigeon Forge, TN
I was given two comp tickets in the preferred seating to do this review. This is my unbiased and honest review of The Biblical Times Dinner Theater and their production of Days of Elijah. #DaysofElijah
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