Dads Kitchen on Strike

Dad’s kitchen is on strike. (I ‘m sure mom’s kitchen would be on strike too for the same reason.) I posted on my wall about being on strike, that got me thinking this would make a good blog post. So I went and started this blog post. I am still working on this blog post and I got like 10 likes. So I am sure other parents may do the same or would like to do the same.

Dads Kitchen on Strike
Dads Kitchen on Strike

Teaching a 16 year daughter importance of keeping up with their dishes, chores … As of right now if there’s any big sink full or more of dishes dad’s kitchen will be officially on strike.

Dad cannot properly prepare a meal with these conditions. You are 16 years old you’re old enough to know how to cook for yourself with what we have here. You’re also old enough for your own responsibility and knowing what your chores and getting them done.

Not only does the strike include the kitchen but it will include us not being able to go and do activities. Some of these activities are going with me on these blog reviews that I am doing. Going to attractions or going out to eat, etc.

Plus during the strike you will not being able to get items back that you are previously grounded from like the electronics and other items you have had privileges taken away from.

I hope this can help prepare you for adulthood you will be adult in less than 2 years. Teaching you that your actions have consequences. Those consequences can affect the people around you, including the whole household. If you were working, it could affect everyone you work with, your coworkers.

There’s an old saying if your kids don’t like what you’re doing then you’re doing something right. And if your kids are liking what you’re doing then more than likely the kids are being the parent. When it come to discipline.


After I took the picture, I put the sign up in a location just before the kitchen where it can be seen. Maybe it will be a wake up call to get their responsibility done. I have tried other methods and tactics to try to show, but now I am trying this way.

Proverbs 13:24

He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.

Proverbs 23:13

Do not withhold correction from a child, For if you beat him with a rod, he will not die.

The Bible tells us our children should obey us. (Exodus 20:20, Ephesians 6:2, Colossians 3:20)  The Bible does tell us we are to discipline our children (see the two Proverbs above). I think this is one creative way. Beat with a rod just means to correct or discipline.  So whenever I go on strike, I will put out put my sign (pictured above).  My rod will be my “On Strike” sign.

Does any other dad or mom put their kitchen or house on strike when things like this occur with raising older kids, teenagers? Of course this is not ideal for a really young kids. Whats the responses? Did this seem to work for your household? What is your “rod” that you use? Comments are welcome!

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