Do you ever get to the point where taking items won’t work for grounding. Time outs won’t work either. Nor will paddling won’t work either. Well how about some creative grounding ideas?
- Do extra chores above and beyond what they normally do.
- Report on a Book of the Bible.
- Report on a Chapter in the Bible.
- Report on a Person in the Bible.
- Christian Book Report.
- Community service project.
- Feed homeless at a mission shelter.
- Volunteer at a thrift shop.
- Volunteer at an animal shelter.
- Volunteer at a food pantry or food distribution.
- Volunteer at a local library.
- Volunteer at a local nursing home or assisted living home.
- Volunteer at a local hospital.
- Volunteer for a state park or local community clean up.
On those reports they do, they will need to have several Bible verse references.
Check out Proverbs 13:24
He who spares his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.
So we are not to spare the rod and spoil the child. We are told to use the rod and not spoil the child.
It tells us if we don’t discipline our children that we don’t love them. It even tells us that God, corrects us, His Children, of whom He loves. See Hebrews 12:6 – Proverbs 3:12 – Revelation 3:19
Discipline and correction is a form of love. God instructs us to correct our children. He tells us to bring up our children in the way of the Lord. Like Proverbs 22:6, the below quote. Even in Ephesians 6:4 tells us to bring your children up in the way of the Lord.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 23:13 tells do not withhold discipline from your children.
Do not withhold correction from a child, For if you beat him with a rod, he will not die.
We are also to be the light for our children. Set the example by leading the example. We can’t tell our children to do something that we are doing ourselves.
We are disciplining our children so they know the proper way to live, a godly life that reflects the teachings of Christ. We teach them this so they will avoid hell.
Check out the Book of Proverbs, it shows us great ideas for living, fear of God to bring wisdom and more. There is 31 chapters. Enough to read one chapter per day for 31 days. (A month’s worth) 31 Days of Proverbs Challenge
Grounding children from church is not good. Church is where they need to be. Now if they serve in the church, like helping to teach, they shouldn’t be teaching. They need to go back to classes and be discipled.
Check out these related blog post:
- Dad’s Kitchen on Strike
- Grounding Kid’s From Church
- Proverbs 13
- Proverbs 22
- Proverbs 23
- Proverbs 29
- 31 Days of Proverbs
- Trust About Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child In The Bible
Maybe you can think of other ways they can get out of grounding.
What are some creative ways you can think for grounding? What are some creative grounding methods you have used. Please feel free to share those ideas.
I just may those creative ideas on this.
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My son was an expert toilet cleaner by the time he discovered that rules were not made to be broken