Cracking the tradition of hiding Easter eggs – Come Easter Sunday, eager children wake up to see if the Easter Bunny has visited their homes. For many families, Easter would not be the same without an annual egg hunt. From chocolate confections to money-filled plastic shells to colorful, hand-decorated hard-boiled eggs, the Easter Bunny (and his parental helpers) hide eggs all around. #EasterEggs
Cracking the tradition of hiding Easter eggs

As with many traditions, people may engage in the festivities without really understanding the origins behind the fun. It can be interesting to unearth just how such egg hunts were hatched.
As with many religious traditions, Easter egg coloring and hunts trace their origins to pre-Christian societies. These societies developed rituals surrounding nature, the seasons and more. Some traditions were adapted to link them to the Christian faith. Eggs held associations with new life and spring.
However, early Christians turned the egg into a symbol of the Resurrection and the empty shell became a representation of Christ’s tomb. Eggs also were important components of the Easter holiday, as they were prohibited (like meat) during Lent. But on Easter, fasting ended and eggs were a part of Easter celebrations, particularly for the poor who couldn’t afford meat.
Check out You’ve Been Egged, A Free Easter Printable!
There are two widely known accounts of the origins of Easter egg hunts. The religious version has Protestant reformer Martin Luther organizing hunts for his congregation. The men would hide the eggs for women and children to find, which mirrors Resurrection accounts in the Bible in which women discovered Christ’s empty tomb. Another account traces the tradition to the Dutch tale of the “Oschter Haws” (“Osterhase” in German), which was a hare that laid eggs in the grass. Children would build and decorate nests for the eggs and wait to see if they would be populated, according to This tradition became popular in America with the arrival of Dutch and German settlers in Pennsylvania in the 1700s.
Learn about the Truth about Easter Eggs and the Easter Bunny!
By the 20th century, decorated Easter nests were replaced with baskets, and Osterhase was more affectionately known as the Easter Bunny, who chose to leave eggs as well as treats and candy. Easter celebrations continued to marry both the religious and secular to form many of the customs that are known widely today.
Easter egg hunts are enjoyed by the young and old on Easter. They’re a key part of celebrations. Just remember to find all those hard-boiled eggs in a timely fashion.
Easter Blog Posts
Below is a list of blog posts that relate to Easter. Be sure to check them all out!

- 1 Cross, 3 Nails, 4 Given Church Sign
- 8 Things Jesus Accomplished on the Cross
- 20th anniversary of the powerful film, “The Passion of the Christ.”
- A-Z of Easter, The
- Amber Alert: Jesus Christ is Missing
- Arise My Love by Newsong
- Ascension
- Ash Wednesday, Day of Ashes
- Body of Christ
- Breakfast Pizza
- Broken Egg
- CEO Christians Church Sign
- Colors of Easter
- Cracking the Tradition of Hiding Easter Eggs
- Create and Hide Unbreakable Easter Eggs
- Cross Acronym
- Cross of Jesus
- Cross Tree
- Dogwood Tree
- Drive-Thru Easter Egg Hunt
- Dye Eggs with All Natural Ingredients
- Easter celebrations in the era of social distancing
- Easter Egg Trunk Hunt
- Easter Finger Puzzle Printable
- Easter is Canceled
- Easter Lilies Can Kill A Cat?
- Easter Monday
- Easter Story Snack Mix Printable
- Easter Sweet Treats Makes Easter Special
- Easter Symbols
- Easter Trees
- Easter Word Search Printable
- Egg Rolling
- Emoji Easter Story Printable
- Empty Egg
- Finished An Easter Spoken Word Videos by KB
- Forgiveness
- Free Easter Printables
- Good Friday
- Happy Easter “Resurrection Day”
- He is Risen Display
- Hiding Easter Eggs
- History of Easter Bonnets
- Holy Monday
- Holy Saturday
- Holy Thursday
- Holy Tuesday
- Holy Wednesday
- Hot Cross Buns
- If Jesus Had An Obituary
- Importance of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- It’s Not About the Bunny Church Sign
- Jelly Bean Prayer Printable
- Jesus Shows His Scars
- KSBJ’s Cross Stops in Houston!
- Lazarus Saturday
- Legend of the Donkey’s Cross
- Legend of the Sand Dollar Printable
- Legend of the Three Trees
- Lent
- Let kites soar: A Lenten tradition takes flight
- Life Savers
- Make Easter Eggs Last
- Maundy Thursday
- Meaning Behind Easter Lilies
- No Bones About It – Jesus Is Alive!
- Palm Sunday
- Passover
- Resurrection Bracelet
- Resurrection Rolls
- Searching for Christ
- Shrove Tuesday
- Silly Rabbit, Easter is for Jesus
- Son of God Movie Review
- Spy Wednesday
- Stay-At-Home Spring Printables for Kids
- Stitching Easter delights with Sewing
- Sweating Blood Prayer
- Telelestai
- That’s My King Dr. S.M. Lockridge
- The Rock at UT Painted for Easter (2024)
- The University of Tennessee Rock painted with an Easter Messages (2022)
- Trail to the Empty Tomb
- Truth About Easter Bunny & Easter Eggs
- That Tomb Is Still Empty, Easter Story Told by Two Kids
- Unique Easter Traditions from Around the Globe
- University of Tennessee Rock painted with an Easter Message, The
- What if the Resurrection Happened Today
- What’s So Good About Good Friday?
- Why Did Jesus Fold the Napkin?
- Words of Forgiveness by Saving Darkness
- You, Sin, Christ – A Simple Illustration
- You’ve Been Egged Printable
Article compliments of MetroCreative. TF204828 – First published March 30, 2020. Last updated or republished March 25, 2024.
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