Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller - Cow Pies

This is this weeks Outdoor Truth with Gary Miller titled Cow Pies Nothing’s Worthless.

Outdoor Truths – Cow Pies Nothing’s Worthless

It seems, years ago, I simply reacted when hunting season came. The preparation phase lasted only about a month. The reason was because I hunted area farms. Unlike many hardwoods areas, farm land hunting is fairly predictable. The deer are basically going to be there from year to year. I know this cuts out the need for a lot of scouting articles but the truth is the truth. For instance I have heard all of my life that oak trees only produce acorns every three years or so. Now, I’ve not studied this so don’t send me mean emails. What I have discovered is this. If there is an oak tree on the side of a field and that field is fertilized by the farmer every year, that tree will have acorns every year. I have also noticed this. If said farmer has several cows and those cows fertilize around that oak tree every year (if you know what I mean), that tree will have acorns every year as well. Things just are a little different on the farm.

And what about that wonderful spring gobbler? I’ve hunted them in the deep woods and on the farm and I can tell you that, once again, if that farmer has cows and he feeds those cows a little sweet feed; he is creating one of the best management areas for turkeys. What each hunter needs to realize is that each cow pie is actually a natural bait pile that a turkey will eventually find. Somehow I just can’t see this technique being given print space in Field and Stream; but again, that’s life on the farm; a little different and in my opinion, a lot better. The farmer has learned that nothing is wasted – even waste. He has learned that what the rest of the world sees as worthless and even unmentionable, are the catalyst for growth and the medium for consistency. He has learned that waste is not waste, it is “fertilizer!”

What all of us need to remember is there is nothing that happens in our life that is useless or worthless. God never looks at something that we have done and says, “I can’t use that.” He uses everything and has promised that even the things that we consider of no use, He will use to grow our life into one that is consistent in bearing spiritual fruit year after year. So, don’t forget that what looks like cow pies to you, is fertilizer to God.

Gary Miller

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DISCLAIMER: The views, beliefs and opinions expressed in this article, Outdoor Truths, are those of Gary Miller and do not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs or opinions of Courageous Christian Father. Outdoor Truth’s is a syndicated article published in various newspaper and online sources and has been used on Courageous Christian Father with permission from Gary Miller. #OutdoorTruths

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