COVID-19 Prayer of the Day

COVID-19 Prayer of the Day – a prayer for the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. #COVD-19

COVID-19 Prayer of the Day

COVID-19 Prayer of the Day - a prayer for the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. #COVD-19
Pexels image

Dear Lord,

I ask that you show up in a big way during this pandemic. I ask you bring healing and restoration to our world. That the lost and backslidden will turn to you and you alone. I ask for protection of those in the front lines of this virus such as …

… nurses, doctors, medical staff, police, fire fighters, paramedics, EMT’S, grocery workers, fast food workers and so on. That list can go on and on. You know who they are. We ask that you be with your Church, allow them to use this to be the Church. We know that even in the bad, you have good to come out of it. We know you are with us always. I ask that those who don’t know you, come to know you as LORD and Savior. Thank you for what you do and what you don’t do. As you have a plan and purpose, even though we may not see it.

In your Sons Sweet and previous name.


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