Colossal Coaster World – Piedmont Baptist Church – It’s not too late to join us at Piedmont Baptist Church (Dandridge, TN) for Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2013 from 2 years old all the way to even an adult class. Going on now till the 7th of June from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Colossal Coaster World – Piedmont Baptist Church
I am help teaching the youth on a Thrill Seekers course. Our youth is from 6th grade to the 12th grade from Vacation Bible School. We do have a college and career class and even and adult class. We have classes for the younger children too.
Bring the Family and learn about Facing Fear and Trusting God.
2 Timothy 1:7

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Attention Leaders: Item 30 “Try to Apply” was missing from my DVD that came with my leaders book. I called Lifeway customer service and they e-mailed me that missing page. So you may have to call them to get that missing page. That was the only one missing on my DVD from Thrill Seekers Leader Guide. ISBN: 978-1-4158-7317-5