I find it very interesting how many Christians are upset and posting about “Merry Christmas” taken off of a coffee cup at Starbucks, but show a little emotion for abortion.
Coffee Cup Vs. Abortion
Abortion matters because God! God said “Do not commit murder.” (Exodus 20:13) Abortion is taken me an innocent person’s life. Life begins at conception. The Bible tells us God no even knew us before we were knit in the womb. (Jeremiah 1:5)
Who cares about an overpriced cup of Starbucks coffee that took off Merry Christmas. It shouldn’t come to a surprise after some recent allegations about Starbucks and the stock holders and its customers and traditional marriage. Truth about Starbucks and traditional marriage.
Abortion is murder!
Just so you know snowflakes and polar bears in the decorations on the coffee cup, does not make a Christmas. Christmas is nothing about that.
Christmas is about the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!
The world can try to remove things of God like the 10 Commandments, Merry Christmas, etc. But that won’t remove God from being God. God has always existed, currently exist and will always exist. You cannot get rid of God!
We’re taking our focus off of too much unimportant stuff. We need to focus on winning souls for Christ. Let show your support for Christ and what he stands for like standing up against abortion and Gay Marriage.
God said marriage is is between One Man, One Woman, Period! Marriage is sacred and meant to be holy. Marriage is a symbol of the Bride-Groom of Jesus and the Church.
This world will get darker before it will get brighter. We are living in the end of times.
Check these out …
- Video:”180“
- Comic: “You Aborted them!“
- Blog Post: Marriage: One Man, One Woman, Period!
- Blog Post: Abortion is Murder!
- Video: Audacity.
- Video: Value of a Soul
- Website: 911Babies.com
What do you think is more valuable a human life that has a soul or a coffee cup that doesn’t have a soul? Besides what is our treasures we lay up in heaven? That is souls! Souls matter not the martial things that we cannot take with us to Heaven. (Matthew 6:19-21)
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