Climbing with Abraham by David Ramos Book Review

Climbing With Abraham by David Ramos Book Review (30 Day Devotional)

Climbing with Abraham by David Ramos Book Review. This book is a 30 day devotional about faith using the model of Abraham.

Climbing with Abraham by David Ramos Book Review

I am not much a book reader. However, I believe I do like small devotional books like Ramos’s Climbing with Abraham. I will admit, I was given this book to review two years ago. Where Ramos contacted me back November 2015. I started Day 1 on July 17, 2017. However, it wasn’t until September 25, 2017 when I did Day 2. For he most part, I only did a days devotional only Monday to Friday.Completing this devotional November 9, 2017.  Sorry for the delay in this review David Ramos, here it goes! I guess better late than never?

The Point


In this devotional, Climbing with Abraham, Ramos wanted to show how Abraham became a character of legendary faith. Plus, how we can learn from his example. He hopes this devotional came help you become a faith giant.

Climbing With Abraham by David Ramos Book Review (30 Day Devotional)


The look of the book is white with some color. It is a very simple design too. This book I got is a thin paper back. Inside copy the font used is not tiny. It is a larger size for easy read.

The Devotions

Each devotional is titled and includes a Bible reference to read. Then, the devotional book goes into talking about that Bible reference. For this devotional Ramos used Abraham and his life. After all Abraham is the father of Faith and also found in the Hebrews Hall of Fame. The devotional averages 2-3 pages for each day. The setting of this devotion is based in Genesis around the life of Abraham.

While doing this devotion, I would date the day I did the devotion. Plus, I would highlight or underline things that would stand out to me. One thing that stood out to me was on Day 20, Our Messy God. On Day 20 Ramos says “God does not run away from messes – He enters them.” You can see this on page 46. Plus, on page 47 in the takeaway section, he says it again. This time he says it this way. “God doesn’t run away from messes. He runs toward them.”  This reminds me of the Great Shepherd that will leave the 99 behind to get the one that went astray.

Plus more Gems!

Plus there was so many more gems to mention, you will just have to find these gems yourself by reading this devotional. By gems I mean things that stood out to me. Of course, when you read it, the same things may not stand out to you as they did me. Plus, if I was to reread this later down the future, I am sure other things may stick out then to me. I do highly recommend you pick up a copy and take the 30 day devotional of faith wand climb with Abraham. Just remember God will provide!

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Another Devotional

Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler, another devotional I am doing. For the most part, these two books were on or near the same chapters or mentioned similar things. I just started that book last month. They would both talk about the same characters. However, in this devotional, it would talk more toward the name of God used. While Ramos’s devotional talked about the faith aspect. I really enjoyed how the Holy Spirit worked that out because they went hand and hand.

About David Ramos

David Ramos is a Christian author and teacher. He is passionate about communicating the life-changing truths found in the Old Testament. Ramos has a degree in Classical Medieval Studies. Currently Ramos is working on his Master’s in Religion (Bible Studies) at Ashland Theological Seminary. David lives in Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @RamosAuthor

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Was given a free copy of the book (ISBN 978151888274) to do an unbiased blog review of the book.

Ps. I plan to try to read more of my Christian and faith based books that I have. Note, plan to try.

About the Author

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