Church! What is the Point? 15 Reasons to go to Church

Church! What's the point? 15 Reasons To Go To Church!

Church! What is the Point? 15 Reasons to go to Church – Why is it important that I go to church, be part of a local assembly. Learn more and check out these 15+ reasons to go to church.

Church! What is the Point? 15 Reasons to go to Church

Church! What is the Point? Below are some reasons we should go to church and the benefit of going. These points are not in any particular order either. These reasons can tie with one another too. I also give you a brief on each reason too.

Do not forsake assembly (Hebrews 10:23-25)


23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; 24 and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

Church! What's the point? 15 Reasons To Go To Church!

1. Command

We are commanded not to forsake assembly with fellow believers.

2. Fellowship

We can bond with other believers that can help us on our walk or we can help them. We get to share! We learn about the needs of others and much more.

3. Grow

We get to grow closer to God being in fellowship with Him. Believe it or not, other believers around you can help you grow. The more believers you are around the better. Growing can lead to maturity.

4. Mature

Being around other believers can help us mature and grow.

5. Learn

By being with other believers we can learn more about God and Jesus. It can help us waant to study more too.

6. Share

It gives us a chance to share what we have learned. Not to mention, concerns we have.

7. Comfort

Assembly of believers can give us comfort when we are down and need comfort. You will feel the love of Christ.

8. Encouragement

It is a great place to give and get encouragement. Often encouragement can help us carry on.

9. Prayer

We can get prayer and pray for others in assemblies of believers. We all have prayer needs. This is a great place to share them. Some of us are prayer warriors and we pray and do fighting in prayer.

10. Needs Met

Some of our needs are met in our local assembly. Sometimes life might throw a curve ball and the local assembly will come together to help. maybe you need help with food or power bill. The local assembly is there to help too.

11. Correction

One thing most of us don’t want to hear is correction! But the local assembly is there for that too. Just remember God loves those who He corrects, just like a father loves his child(ren) he corrects. Correction is a mark of love.

12. Accountability

To make sure we are staying on the right path and not off course. Your brother or sister will come to let you know if you are are about to go off course or went off course.

13. Love

We can often feel the love of Christ by being in assembly. Greeting each other. Letting the other know you are glad to see them in church.

14. Service

You can also serve in the church. Giving back for what God gave you. It might not be in money, but in talent and time too.

15. Giving

A great place to find places or people that you can help give to. As mentioned above, not just money, but also time and talent.

16. & More!

Plus there are tons more reasons why. So what are some reasons I didn’t mention why we should go to church? Feel free to share in the comments below.


If you are not a member of a local body, I highly recommend you find one. Pray to God that He can lead you to one where you can serve. One that teaches and preaches the FULL BIBLE!

Feel free to check back, as this blog post may add more reasons.

Check out this blog post!

Should Christians Be a Member of a Church

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