The Church Is Called To Go Out Not To Sit And Wait For Them To Come

The Church Is Called To Go Out Not To Sit And Wait For Them To Come

The church is called the go out not to sit and wait for them to come. That means we must put feet and get outside the four walls! We must witness to the lost and dying world.

The Church Is Called To Go Out Not To Sit And Wait For Them To Come

The Church Is Called To Go Out Not To Sit And Wait For Them To Come

One thing we have to remember the people won’t come unless they are invited. We must go out and invite people. We must witness and share the gospel with other people. If we sit and wait for them to come, they won’t come. We must be doing the great commission!

The Great Instruction – The Great Commission

The Church Is Called To Go Out Not To Sit And Wait For Them To Come. With that being said, the church building is not the church! We the people, the Body of Christ is the church must GO! One day, we will have to face God one day for the people we could have witnessed to and never did. Not to mention, we just face God for not witnessing as well.

If we just sit and soak, we are nothing but a pew warmer. We cannot have the mindset that it is the job of the pastor, deacons or the teachers! The “GO” is for everyone. We come across many people in our daily routines. Cashiers, Waiters, Waitresses, Fellow Shoppers and more. Everyone we come in contact with, is a chance to witness to them.


Does your church have an outreach day? How many people show up to help with it? Just the pastor or a few people? Honestly, the majority, if not all of the church should show up and go out. Not just only on that day, but everyday! If we were actually doing our job, the church would be growing. But, sadly, we are not doing the job of going out! Too many of us churches or church members are just sitting and waiting for them to come.

So go out and make disciples! 

Matthew 28:19-20 King James Version (KJV)

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

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