Christian Responses to the Coronavirus – I have shared some quotes I have found from individuals, churches, and ministries.

Christian Responses to the Coronavirus
Death Happens it’s part of life. We must be prepared to meet Jesus at any moment. We never know when or how we will go to meet Him. Nonetheless, no matter the storm we must press on reaching the lost!
We shouldn’t fear anything including a virus. God is much bigger than this virus or anything for that. Yes, we should take precautions, but not panic!
Often this is times for the Church, capital C, to step it up and be the Church!
Plus, stop hoarding or trying to make a prophet of necessities. Be the church and share and give to those in need instead.
Check out these quotes below …
God Is So Much Bigger Than Any Virus. After All, He Created The Universe. How Many Of Us Are Trusting Him Through All Of This?
Brian Dale Rainsberger
With everything going on in the world right now, I would say that it would be a good time to call on the name of Jesus Christ because he is the only one who can save you.
Kristen @livingforjc
Every stance that we take, no matter how small, should be rooted in the Gospel and not fear, prejudice, or political bias.
Steve Simpson
At Bible study Wednesday night my pastor said something that really made me think. With the way everyone is panicking about the coronavirus, can you image what the Rapture will be like? The time is no to pray folks, that’s the cure.
Rusty Rogers
The Gospel Colation
The early church was no stranger to plagues, epidemics, and mass hysteria. In fact, according to both Christian and also non-Christian accounts, one of the main catalysts for the church’s explosive growth in its early years was how Christians navigated disease, suffering, and death. The church’s posture made such a strong impression on Roman society that even pagan Roman emperors complained to pagan priests about their declining numbers, telling them to step up their game.
The Gospel Coalation
True Life
Pastor Jimmy put out a video on the Facebook public page regarding TLC’s response to the Coronavirus and steps we will take to prevent against it.
- The Bible says multiple times to not only look out for our own needs but for the needs of others. For most of us, this probably would not be a problem but for older people and people who have health concerns, it more likely could be so we should be aware and take precautions for them.
- This isn’t something to be afraid of. The Bible says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” We can use this as an opportunity to show the world what it means to be the church by loving on people and caring for people. We can show people the way and point them to Jesus.
- If you are healthy, we encourage you to come to service. Be praying and inviting. Share your faith with others and talk about the peace you have with Christ. However, be wise and prudent. Follow CDC guidelines and wash your hands. Stay home if you’re sick.
- True Life gets cleaned twice a week for those of you who may not know that. We have asked our cleaners to step up on the cleaning with sanitizing, door knobs, light switches and other surfaces.
- The toys in Children’s Ministry will get cleaned after each service and toys may be switched out for each service as an extra precaution.
- We will have hand sanitizer out at the coffee bar and the kid’s registration area for use.
- As an extra precaution, we are discouraging greeters from shaking hands and hugging so as not to make people feel uncomfortable or nervous when they walk in. If you are unable or feel uncomfortable to come to church, you can participate online. We would encourage you to get plugged into a small group and experience community through a group.
- The Micronesian Retreat has been postponed. That is not a TLC decision. Tennessee Baptist Convention is primarily sponsoring it financially and they are suspending all conferences. We may still do a service with them at TLC but we’re not sure yet. If you are serving in any way, we will contact you. Thank you!
True Life Church – Jefferson City, Tennessee
Immanuel Baptist
Dear Church Family, It seems we are all talking about the same thing these days and it’s not UK basketball which normally monopolizes our conversations this time of year. We are all talking about the Coronavirus. It is during times like these that the Church can shine the brightest; for light is brightest in dark places. John 1:4-5 says, “In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Let me share with you a few ways to be the Church during these days: Be GENEROUS not greedy “He who sows generously will reap generously.” 2 Cor. 9:6
Be FAITHFUL not fearful “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sound mind.” 2 Tim. 1:7
Exercise WISDOM not worry “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5
CLARITY not chaos “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” Psalm 119:130
PEACE not panic “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” 1 Cor. 14:33 God is on His throne and this virus is no surprise to Him.
We are planning on having worship services Sunday and we will have LifeGroups.
We will exercise our normal protocol, which is to clean all areas of the church to a professional level using cleaners that kill germs like the coronavirus. We pay special attention in our children’s areas, rotating sanitized tools each session. This week we will take extra measures to ensure the safety of our church family. As a reminder, we ask that you adhere to our well child policy: A well child has:· No fever over 99.60 currently or within the last 24 hours.· No vomiting or diarrhea currently or within the last 24 hours.· No runny nose.· No cough.· No unexplained rashes.· No skin infections.· No eye infections.· No childhood diseases such as chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc. If a child currently has any of the above symptoms, please do not bring your child to church. The volunteers, teachers, and leaders in your child’s class may not accept him or her into the classroom. If a child develops any of the above symptoms while in our care we will ask you to pick up your child immediately. We will not administer medicine of any kind.
Adults, those who are sick please stay home. If you have underlying health conditions or compromised immune systems you should stay home. Those who are concerned feel free to stay home. You can watch our services live streaming. You’ll notice our greeters doing something a little different this week. We aren’t shaking hands or giving high fives. But you will see the same smiling faces, giving the peace sign, or head nods. So I thought it would be helpful to let you know that on the head nods you go down with the head to older folks, but to younger cool people you give the “Louisville” heads up, what’s up nod. You might want to practice before you come to church this Sunday, because if you get confused and do both it looks like you are saying “yes.” We are actively monitoring the situation, and as things change we will change. I am excited about the sermon this week. We are in a series, “Return of the King.” This is a series on end times. This Sunday I will be preaching on the rapture. Bring someone with you this week! People are looking for hope. They are looking for answers. So let’s be the church. Lastly, say a special prayer for those in nursing homes and their loved ones. It is difficult to care for a loved one in the nursing home; it is an even greater burden when you can’t see them. They need our love, support, and prayers. Let’s go church!
Pastor Allen & Robin Bonnell, Pastor Immanuel Baptist Church (Corbin, Kentucky)
Southeast Christian Church
Services will be done online for now. Their decisions are not made out of fear in any way; rather, they are motivated by how we can best love our neighbors by preventing the spread of the virus unnecessarily. And we believe this gives us the opportunity to spread the message of hope in Jesus Christ with our neighbors and those who are closest to us.
Southeast Christian Church Kentucky
Coronavirus Post / COVID-19 Post
Here is a list of blog posts that are related to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

- A 7-Day Coronavirus Prayer Guide
- A Prayer for Our Leaders
- A Prayer for the Global Church
- Ark Encounter and Creation Museum to Temporarily Close
- Billy Graham Library closed due to coronavirus pandemic
- Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove postponing scheduled events due to coronavirus pandemic
- Chick-fil-A closes Dining Room, Offers Drive-Thru Only
- Chick-fil-A President on preparation and response for COVID-19
- Christian Responses to the Coronavirus
- Coronavirus sparks worldwide concern
- Drive-In Church
- Easter is Canceled
- Global Day of Prayer and Fasting amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
- How COVID-19 is transmitted
- How to clean when faced with a shortage of supplies
- How to Support Local Businesses During Mandatory Restrictions
- Let’s Change it from Social Distancing to Physical Distancing
- SBC Leadership Calls For Day Of Prayer Against COVID-19 Coronavirus
- Social Disconnect aka Social Distancing
- Surrounded by Hoarded Supplies We Never Use
- Tennessee State Parks Remain Open, Provide Healthy Outdoor Alternatives for Citizens
- Toilet Paper Alternatives
- Wash & Pray
- Winter Jam Cancels the Rest of the 2020 Tour
- YEC 2020 Suspended Due to Coronavirus Outbreak
What response do you wish to share?
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