Christian Blog Scavenger Hunt

Christian Blog Scavenger Hunt – Here is a game for Christian Bloggers to find other Christian blogs based on these topics. #ScavengerHunt #ChristianBlogScavengerHunt

Christian Blog Scavenger Hunt

  1. Your blog (only time you can use your own blog)
  2. Lighthouses
  3. Dad, Daddy, Father
  4. Mom, Mommy, Mother
  5. Christian Music
  6. Christian Radio Station
  7. Theology
  8. Talks about a Church or your church (only one I will allow a link to your church)
  9. Shares your favorite Bible verse
  10. Shares your favorite Bible character

In this Christian Blog Scavenger Hunt, the above are what you need to find. The blogs must be a Christian Blog, no websites, social media etc. it must be a blog or a blog post.

Yes! You can either use the main blog or a blog post. But it cannot be Courageous Christian Father or your blog! (Except #1).

Make sure to number the answers in the comments.

Make sure to put the blog name, followed by the link, followed by if you follow it, yours or searched, etc.

No cheating! Don’t peak at the comments. Find them from blogs you follow or find them using keywords on search engines or WordPress reader and adding Christian Blog. Below in the spoiler, you will see my answers.

[spoiler title=’Click to see my answers’ style=’steelblue’ collapse_link=’true’]
1. Courageous Christian Father (Mine)
2. Lighthouse Devotions (Follow)
3. The Praying Daddy
4. Christian Mommy (Search)
5. The Good Christian Music Blog (Search)
6. Way-FM Blog (Listen to this radio station)
7. The Word Detective (Follow)
8. True Life Church (Church I Attend)
9. Logos (Search)
10. Chrisitan Crier (Search)

Please share your answers in the comments below!

Don’t forget to sign up for the Christian Blog Party for 2020.

Learn how to start a Christian Blog!

135 Christian Blog Post Ideas!

Check back in the future, I may do another one of these.

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