Children are a gift from God

Children are a gift from God. Really there is no such thing as Unplanned because with God it was planned. God knows and knew us at the foundation of the world. He is the one that formed and knitted us in our mother’s womb.

3 Behold, children are a gift of the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.
How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
They will not be ashamed
When they speak with their enemies in the gate.

Psalm 127:3-5

If you have a child or children, they are gift from God. A Blessing!

Children are a gift from God. Really there is no such thing as Unplanned because with God it was planned. God knows and knew us at the foundation of the world. He is the one that formed and knitted us in our mother's womb.
pexels photo 264787

The Bible verse reminds me of a movie that is worth seeing, Like Arrows and there is a good Christian song called Like Arrows by Matt Hammitt.

The movie is about the art of parenting, where Charlie and Alice try to change their parenting strategy when conflict, rebellion and resentment overwhelm their family. To their surprise, they soon find that effective, lifelong solutions were closer than they had ever imagined. While kids don’t come with instructions, God’s Word has plenty to say about training and launching children into adulthood. In FamilyLife’s Art of Parenting small-group series, we’ll help you “aim your child’s heart toward God” with intentional, biblical instruction and Christ-centered plans. See the trailer below.

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2 thoughts on “Children are a gift from God

  1. Becoming a mother taught me about unconditional love, giving me a tiny glimpse into God’s heart. It showed me how He loves us as His children. The death of 2 of my sons also showed me God’s heart, in how He is grieved when He loses a child (a lost soul). Apart from the gift of hope through Salvation, my children are the greatest gift I’ve ever known. Thank you for sharing this post.

    1. You are very welcome and thank you for sharing. God does show us a lot through our children. God bless you and your family. I couldn’t imagine going through the grief of losing a child.

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