Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Bold about your Witness! Take some courage and not be the silent disciple, speak up and share your faith. That that bright light in the dark world.
Category: Witnessing

If you go witnessing you should check out what this New Market, TN church sign says about what witnessing includes. #churchsign #witnessing

Is God trying to get our attention? We see all this turmoil and strife going on. Often people blame God for the disasters. But, since sin was introduced into this world from Adam and Even, things have gone wrong. Sin separates us from God.

The Great Instruction – The Great Commission
The Great Instruction – The Great Commission – An instruction to Go! This blog post is about going out and telling others about Christ.

Money Gospel Tracts – I talk about how I do not like people using money gospel tracts to witness or evangelize.

Do You Believe? Movie Review & Trailer
I share my review and thoughts about the new Christian movie, Do You Believe? If you were charged with being a Christian Would there be enough evidence to convict you? Do you really believe in the Cross of Jesus Christ? #DoYouBelieve

The Back Pew Comic – Neighbors in Heaven. #christiancomic

I talk about my 3 years of experience with fitbit including the devices I have used, the badges, my lifetime steps and miles logged. #fitbit

Go To Hell! Exactly what was written on this truck I saw in Knoxville, TN. But find out what it says in smaller print above “GO TO HELL!”

No Standing
I take the No Standing Road Sign and talk about it in this episode of Road Signs of the Bible and share how No Standing means in the Bible.

Slow Church Ahead
Road Signs of the Bible: Slow Church Ahead. What does this sign have to do with the Bible. Find out here!

Road Signs of the Bible: Road Work Ahead – What does a Road Work Ahead sign have to do with the Bible? Find out here!

I talk about fitbit and my recent upgrade from fitbit ultra to fitbit one. #fitbit

Sky Writing Evangelism: Check out this submitted photo and what it says. U + God = SMILE FACE. #SkyWriting #Evangelism #SkyWritingEvangelism

A Billboard in Tennessee that says “Fight the Good Fight of Faith”. #faith #fight This billboard is near the 407 exit on I-40.

Fishing for men exactly what Jesus told us to do. Fish for men. What does that mean? Do we reel these men in on a hook? #fishing

If you were homeless, how much would you sell your cardboard sign asking for money? #homeless

My daughter and I dress up like cows for Cow Appreciation Day. We visit Chick-fil-A and get our free meal! I even share our picture. #CowAppreciationDay

Road Side Mascots, Chick-fil-A cow, to Zaxby’s chicken, even Lady Liberty of Liberty Tax. Next time you pass a road side mascot, beep at them or stop and talk to them. Offer them some kind of encouragement. #encouragement.

What Book in the Bible should you read first? Good starting point? Not sure what to read next in the Bible? Find out why The Gospel of John is the one.