Amish on a Greyhound bus got witnessed to - I remember when I was in college and I rode on a Greyhound bus up to Michigan. We stop somewhere likes maybe Cincinnati, OH and maybe over half the bus to three-fourths of the bus loaded with a bunch of people from the Amish community.

Amish on a Greyhound bus got witnessed to – I remember when I was in college and I rode on a Greyhound bus up to Michigan. We stop somewhere likes maybe Cincinnati, OH and maybe over half the bus to three-fourths of the bus loaded with a bunch of people from the Amish community.

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The Pocket Testament League: Gospel of John’s a site that you can get 30 free Gospel of John’s a month. A great way to share God’s word and start witnessing or planting seeds to other people. Remember we are all called to share the Gospel, no one is an excluded, we ALL must tell others about Christ.

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The new look of the Life Book 2018

Are you a youth leader, minister or director or even pastor of church? Would you like to get your youth involved in handing out the Gospel in their school and to their friends/peers? #thelifebook #lifebook #ccf #SYATP #SeeYouAtThePole #WECryOut

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inspiring gospel tract story

Check out this inspiring young boy journey at handing out gospel tracts. Not to mention, it was a rainy day as this young boy handed them out. That tract you hand out just may save someone who is lost. #GospelTracts #Rain

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Are you a good person? A Gospel tract Uses God’s Law to help witness & share your testimonial to other people. This comic is part of the Way of the Master. Now with free downloadable and printable versions! #GoodPersonTest #WayoftheMaster

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See You At the Pole - Evangelism Week - Global Week of Student Prayer image

Have you heard about the two wolves that live inside each and everyone one of us? They fight daily within us. One is a good wolf and the other is a bad wolf. So which one do you think will win? Find out in this blog post.

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This is Mr. Nice Guy, he believes he will go to heaven by being a good guy. Find out about this story. This video is also a good tool to use to witness to someone and point out the law and the need for a Savior. Are You A Good Person?

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Share: Full video, Ray Comfort & Living Waters movie Audacity. Love Can’t Stay Silent. Talks about the controversy of homosexuality & how to witness to a homosexual. #Audacity #LoveWins

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