The Way of the Master is a method of evangelism popularized by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, which seeks to present the gospel message in a clear and concise way, using the Ten Commandments as a framework for explaining the need for salvation. #wayofthemaster

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I talk about using social media to share your faith. We have access to this great way to connect to others, why not use it to share Christ? #SocialMedia

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Elf on the Shelf

I share my thoughts about the “Elf on the Shelf” craze. I share in reality who is the one that watches over us and knows if we are naughty or nice. #ElfOnTheShelf #MyElfExperiment

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The Rare Titanic Family, The Caldwell’s, they were missionaries aboard the Titanic. Hear about their survival aboard the sinking Titanic. #Titanic #Titanic104 #RareTitanicFamily #TitanicMissionaries

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John Harper was a baptist pastor & a hero aboard the Titanic, a ship they said wouldn’t sink. Find out why he is a hero! #Titanic #Titanic104 #JohnHarper #LastTitanicHero

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Blessing Bags (Screenshot)

Blessing Bags – Fill a bag full of usable items and give them away to those in need like the homeless. Maybe a great way to share the love of of Christ instead of giving cash out to a stranger. #BlessingBags

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Risking your life for the gospel or living the high life for the gospel - Are you willing to risk your life for the gospel, to die sharing Jesus or live the high life.

Risking your life for the gospel or living the high life for the gospel – Are you willing to risk your life for the gospel, to die sharing Jesus or live the high life. Risking your life for the gospel or living the high life for the gospel We are all called to share the gospel. That means even if it could mean our life on Earth is over. There is no greater love, than one who dies for another. In short, we risk our lives so others can have

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Trick or Treat Fail

Trick or Treat Fail Video by Living Waters of the Way of the Master. Did the get they treat or did they get tricked (Epic Fail?) Maybe they got both? Find out! In this video you see the cool curved illusion gospel tract that is great for handing out at Trunk or Treats or anytime!

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Friday the 13th & a Full Moon – This happens when a full moon occurs on a Friday with the date of 13. Which is a rare occasion. #Fridaythe13th #Friday13 #FullMoon #Moon

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