Halloween alternatives: Facts on Halloween & Bible verses that pertain to not dealing or imitate darkness, evil, spirits. Participating in Halloween may seem fun. But, there is nothing fun about playing on Satan’s playground. It does not matter how many other people are playing there with you. We should be worshiping the Lord our God and sharing his faith, not inviting the devil to have his fun. #Halloween #HalloweenAlternatives
Category: Tracts

Cap’n ChristianBlogR says take the family out for some free fish or chicken & free donuts! Share some Bible Stories of the Sea on International Talk Like A Pirate Day. #ITLAPD20124 #TalkLikeAPirateDay #PirateDay #TalkLikeAPirateDay #LJPirateDay #KKPirateDay #ITLAPD #Pirate

The Teal Pumpkin Project – Teal is the new Orange! – Help save God’s children by not giving them allergen containing treats, but other gifts instead. Plus raising awareness of food allergies during Trick or Treats or Trunk or Treats. Did you know that 1 in 13 children have a form of food allergy? #TealPumpkinProject #TealPumpkin #Halloween #Teal #FoodAllergies #FACET #FARE

Happy 4th of July. Maybe you will take this special day to share Jesus with others and be a bold witness or hand out gospel tracts. #4thofJuly #IndepednaceDay #July4 #July4th

May the LORD be with you! The 4th of May is usually known as Star Wars Day. You’ll hear May the Fourth Be with you taking off from the movie May the Force be with you. #maythe4thbewithyou #maythefourth #starwarsday #maytheLordbewithyout #maytheLord

Jelly Bean Prayer – Jelly Bean Gospel a way to use the colors of jelly beans to share the gospel. Includes free printable version! National Jelly Bean Day.
#JellyBeanPrayer #JellyBeanGospel #JellyBeanDay #JellyBeans #JellyBean #Easter #prayer

Blessing Bags
Blessing Bags – Fill a bag full of usable items and give them away to those in need like the homeless. Maybe a great way to share the love of of Christ instead of giving cash out to a stranger. #BlessingBags

Halloween Is More Dangerous on a Saturday – Just think about that a moment. More people are off of work. Not to mention more people will party and drink and much more!

National Chicken Wing Day a day to to enjoy those delicious chicken wings! Whether you like them hot and spicy, sticky sweet or plain Jane and whether your prefer them served with blue cheese, ranch, plum sauce or celery sticks. #NationalChickenWingDay #ChickenWings #ChickenWingsDay #BWWings #WeLoveWings #QuakerSteak #wildwingcafe #ccf

National Lollipop Day – June 20 is National Lollipop Day. Time to take the family out for some suckers and lollipops. #NationalLollipopDay #LollipopDay #Lollipops

Cow Appreciation Day – A day to appreciation cowshed have an undderlyy good time and score some free grub/food at Chick-Fil-A. Dress up and enjoy a family outing. #Chickfila #CowAppreciationDay #Cow #CowAppreciation

Trick or Treat Fail Video by Living Waters of the Way of the Master. Did the get they treat or did they get tricked (Epic Fail?) Maybe they got both? Find out! In this video you see the cool curved illusion gospel tract that is great for handing out at Trunk or Treats or anytime!

Neyland Stadium the football arena for the University of Tennessee Vols. I have had several opportunities to be inside this stadium in my life time. #NeylandStadium #GBO #Vols #VFL

Serendipity Tracting – leaving gospel tracts in a random happy place for others to find. Plus I share about Serendipity Day. #SerendipityTracting #SerendipityDay

National Ice Cream Day, a great day to take the family and eat some ice cream, plus a great way to witness or hand out gospel tracts. Find out when it is and what it is. #NationalIceCreamDay

Using Gospel tracts to witness to someone. What Gospel tracts do you use? I also list places to leave Gospel tracts. #GospelTracts

The Pocket Testament League: Gospel of John’s a site that you can get 30 free Gospel of John’s a month. A great way to share God’s word and start witnessing or planting seeds to other people. Remember we are all called to share the Gospel, no one is an excluded, we ALL must tell others about Christ.

The 5 tract challenge, pretty simple concept. But also may be challenging. Give out 5 gospel tracts per day for 30 days.

Bezeugen Tract Club – Do you hand out Gospel Tracts? How about a gospel tract club that gives you 30 free gospel tracts per month to hand out. #Bezeugen #BezeugenTractClub

the life book movement saturating the schools with the gospel
Are you a youth leader, minister or director or even pastor of church? Would you like to get your youth involved in handing out the Gospel in their school and to their friends/peers? #thelifebook #lifebook #ccf #SYATP #SeeYouAtThePole #WECryOut