Tips for preparing to cook your turkey for Thanksgiving. A good entertainment plan that saves time and money is something to be truly thankful for. With the right plan, all that cooks will need to do on Thanksgiving Day is put dishes into the oven and remove them when they are done. A few hints from professional chef Jim Coleman can help you save money while affording you more time to spend with your guests. Now with a free printable version! #Turkey #Thanksgiving #TurkeyTips #Recipe
Category: Thanksgiving

God Gives You A Gift of 86,400 Seconds Today Church Sign – This is this week’s Church Sign Saturday from Oliver Springs, TN (Beech Park Missionary Baptist Church).

The “Peanuts” specials will stream on Apple TV+, in addition to airing ad-free on PBS and PBS KIDS – “Peanuts” fans will have even more ways to watch Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the gang on their holiday adventures as Apple and PBS team up for special ad-free broadcasts of “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” To complement their release on Apple TV+ this holiday season.

Holiday baking pointers – The holiday season is steeped in tradition. Baking is one tradition that comes with the holiday territory. These baking tips can lead to successful yields of cookies, cakes and other holiday treats. #HolidayBaking

A free Christian Thanksgiving fun sheet Download from KSBJ Contemporary Christian Music. A turkey to color, Bible verses to look up and a word search.

National Family Week – A week long celebration of the family. Usually celebrated on or around the week of Thanksgiving. Plus, it is also celebrated during International Bible Week. #FamilyWeek

VOTD May 18 – “in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NASB

VOTD March 7 – “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 NASB

Give Thanks Bible Verse “O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.” 1 Chronicles 16:34 NASB

Thanksgiving Day Verse – “Enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.”Psalms 100:4 NASB

Sweet Potato Quiche – Sweet potatoes are a favorite side dish at Thanksgiving dinner tables. Packed with vitamins, nutrients, fiber, and delectable flavor, sweet potatoes have earned their place on holiday dinner tables. While many holiday hosts bake, fry or mash their sweet potatoes, these beloved tubers can be prepared in other ways as well.

20 Thanksgiving Writing Prompts for Christian bloggers. #WritingPrompts

Don’t Count Sheep …
Ever hear the old saying if you can’t sleep to count sheep so you can sleep? I say don’t count sheep but I suggest that you count something else instead. #Sheep #DontCountSheep

The ABC’s of Praying for Students
The ABC’s of Praying for Students. It goes from A to Z and gives a Bible reference with each word of the alphabet. From Attitude to Zeal. Back to School #bgbg2 #PrayingForStudents #BacktoSchool #ABCsPrayingForStudents

ACTS Prayer Model – an acronym or acrostic for the word ACTS and how it relates to prayer. #ACTS #Prayer (Includes free printable version)

Calling – A Closer Walk To God is this weeks Outdoor Truth with Gary Miller. God made me who I am – gifted in some ways, lacking in others. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Easier – More success, less work. Deer season has been over for a few weeks now, and turkey season is right around the corner. And being a Christian can bring difficulty and persecution. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Most Thankful People Ought To Be Those Who – Outdoor Truths
This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about the most Thankful People Ought To Be Those Who – Outdoor Truths. Many who study science are led to believe we have merely evolved from a lower form of life – that our life is of no more value than any other. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Ecosystem New is Good. What goes for four-legged animals also goes for the two-legged ones. People who need Jesus. The ecosystem is changing and I like the change! #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller #Ecosystem #Hunting

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Cow Pies Nothing’s Worthless. What the rest of the world sees as worthless and even unmentionable, are the catalyst for growth and the medium for consistency. So, don’t forget that what looks like cow pies to you, is fertilizer to God.