#JesusChangedMyLife – Imagine flooding social media with stories about how Jesus brings purpose, meaning, and hope. (Way-FM). Let’s flood social media with that hashtag.
Tag: Testimonials

The 5 tract challenge, pretty simple concept. But also may be challenging. Give out 5 gospel tracts per day for 30 days.

the life book movement saturating the schools with the gospel
Are you a youth leader, minister or director or even pastor of church? Would you like to get your youth involved in handing out the Gospel in their school and to their friends/peers? #thelifebook #lifebook #ccf #SYATP #SeeYouAtThePole #WECryOut

Are you a good person? Comic featuring Mr. Nice Guy
Are you a good person? A Gospel tract Uses God’s Law to help witness & share your testimonial to other people. This comic is part of the Way of the Master. Now with free downloadable and printable versions! #GoodPersonTest #WayoftheMaster

We are all told to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us. This includes sharing our testimony to others. Here is a list of suggested places to share your testimony. #Testimony

Have you heard about the two wolves that live inside each and everyone one of us? They fight daily within us. One is a good wolf and the other is a bad wolf. So which one do you think will win? Find out in this blog post.

Are you a good person? (Video)
This is Mr. Nice Guy, he believes he will go to heaven by being a good guy. Find out about this story. This video is also a good tool to use to witness to someone and point out the law and the need for a Savior. Are You A Good Person?

We need to be still and not panic. Give it to God, he can handle it and see us through.

Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Bold about your Witness!
Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Bold about your Witness! Take some courage and not be the silent disciple, speak up and share your faith. That that bright light in the dark world.

I share about my experience about being on the Spiritual Minds Radio show hosted by hosts, Yokas Boslarelli and Soulfu. (Link to the broadcast) #smlradioshow

The Great Instruction – The Great Commission
The Great Instruction – The Great Commission – An instruction to Go! This blog post is about going out and telling others about Christ.

Melissa Bour: Your Picture Gets Around! I saw your Oklahoma picture here in the state of Tennessee.

Another great way to share a testimony is through cardboard testimonies. Our youth group recently got to do a cardboard testimony. I got to help do the cardboard testimony. Check out what mine said that day. #Coardboardtestimonies

10,000 Reasons
What are you thankful for? Can you count them one by one? How about this, can you count 10,000 reasons?

5 hours
How much time do we give God? Most churches if you go both Sunday morning and evening as well as Wednesday Nights, usually amounts to 5 hours. Do you give Him at least that much per week or less? Maybe more?

thelifebook: The Saturation Begins Handing Out The Life Book
The Saturation begins. the life book movement is starting here in Jefferson City, TN area. What is The Life Book? How can I do a saturation? #TheLifeBook

Hope for Hurting Hearts Movie Review
Do you have a hurting heart that needs help? There is an answer! Do you think there is no end? Do you want to know how to find that? Check out this blog post on this film Hope for Hurting Hearts and see for yourself if you can find it too.

This blog post is about Church hopping, church shopping, church floating, however you want to call it. Check out this take of it. A couple of friends share their take as well.

Jesus Took Me Seriously.

The I am second testimonial video of LeCrae Moore, Christian Rapper, “I was created by God but I didn’t want to be like Him, I wanted to be Him.”