Do not be of this world, be set apart from the World. Be Transformed.
Category: Study

All Scripture is God-breathed.

Present Yourself Approved to God Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Today is day 11 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for food. Both physical food and spiritual food.

Conserve Your Battery – I talk about conserving your battery on your phone & some food for thought how you might be able to conserve your battery spiritually.

Two Stone Tablets: Ten Commandments, the controversy between them and the American legal system, and their application to life in and out of religion. (Guest Blogger)

10,000 Reasons
What are you thankful for? Can you count them one by one? How about this, can you count 10,000 reasons?

WORDsearchBible Basic. A program that helps you study the BIble and keep notes in one place. Available for both Mac and PC. Best of all this program is FREE!

I use the Snickers commercial to write a brief analogy of how Snickers bar truly can’t satisfy you but Jesus Christ can.
Why I started to blog
I share in this blog entry why I started to blog. Courageous Christian Father is a blog ministry and I figured I would share why I started.

Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

Daily Family Devotion and Daily Family Devotion + 365 Daily Answers to What Would Jesus Do? WWJD? (book review).

In the Emmaus Community you go on 15 Walks, each walk is a different Talk in the Walk to Emmaus. This is for those who have been on the walk. #Emmaus
Every day after your Walk to Emmaus is your fourth days. You are on your walk for three days. You take what you learned while you are on this walk and use it. These 4th Days can be applied to us Christians and used as well to help testify.

Christian Actions keeping the stool balanced by using Piety, Study and Action. Using your gifts to serve God. A Plan for Christian Action. Friendship and Reaching out to others.

Means of Grace
This blog entry talks about the Means of Grace. It also uses the Wizard of Oz story as an example on the means of Grace.
We as Christians are to follow God’s Word. Read the Bible, Study the Bible all part of Following Jesus.
Jesus and the Holy Scriptures, shows where Jesus points back to the Old Testament. Jesus attest to the indissolubility of the Scriptures. Jesus confirms the Truth in every word. Jesus forecast and authorized the writing of the New Testament.
God’s Word: The content of the Bible is complete. Every word that is in the Bible is what God wanted in the Bible. Even warnings are given for those who add or take away from the Bible. Even the “Canon” of the Bible. How many books are there in the Bible?
The Complete Trustworthiness of the Bible. God reveals his truth in the Bible. God also cannot lie. The Word of God is perfect.