Year of the Lord - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV

It is the Year of the Lord not the Year of the Rooster or any other Chinese Astrological Zodiac Sign in the Chinese New Year! We are told to stay away from astrology in the Bible. All things belong to Christ including us. We were bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus! We are to follow and honor Him and Him only. #YearoftheLord #Dog #YearoftheDog #ChineseNewYear

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The Christmas Story Using Candy - A fun and eatable way to share the Christmas Story by using candy and chocolates. #CandyChristmasStory

The Christmas Story Using Candy – A fun and eatable way to share the Christmas Story by using candy and chocolates. #CandyChristmasStory Includes A Free Printable Version.

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God is for you

God never leaves us – This is so true, we don’t need to worry what the world thinks, we are to worry what God thinks. God is with us! God is strong than anything, is the all power, creator, Father … He is EVERYTHING above all things!

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Don't Count Sheep

Ever hear the old saying if you can’t sleep to count sheep so you can sleep? I say don’t count sheep but I suggest that you count something else instead. #Sheep #DontCountSheep

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Be Sheep Not Goats

Be Sheep Not Goats! Jesus will separate the sheep and the goats on the final judgement. This is the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats where the Son of Man will judge the Nations. #Sheep #Goats #Quote

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Are You Praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo) Immanuel Baptist Church Corbin KY

Are you praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo) Are you praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo) Immanuel Baptist Church in Corbin, KY Jesus is our Great Shepherd. He leaves the 99 to seek the lost. Did you get that? He seeks the lost. He seeks us! Not us seeking him. Per their Facebook: A Waldo is someone that you are close to that does not know Jesus. Your #WALDO is someone closest to you but furthest from God.  Waldo— the person God placed in your life who needs Jesus. Every

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Journey Through Bethelhem

The Journey through Bethlehem is an inside Christmas Program for all ages depicting the life of Jesus Christ. You are able to get a look back in time of what really happened in Bethlehem. This is great for young children who have questions about Christmas. There are visual scripture aides and live animals.

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Way Making Savior

Way Making Savior – Jesus guides our paths. When we are lost he leaves the 99 behind to seek after us. He makes a way! I think Zach Williams said it great in his song, Chain Breaker. #WayMakingSavior #WayMaker #ChainBreaker

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