National Friendship Day – I take this time to write a mini blog entry about Friendship Day. #FriendshipDay #NationalFriendshipDay #Friends
Category: Quotes

The Rainbow: A Covenant from God
The rainbow is a covenant from God, a beautiful gift that God gave us along with a covenant from God. I even share what others have told me the rainbow means to them. #Rainbow #God

If you are in deep water it’s a good idea to keep your mouth shut – In life, we often find ourselves navigating turbulent waters – facing challenges that seem insurmountable. As Christians, we turn to the Word of God for guidance, and one timeless piece of wisdom emerges: “If you are in deep water, it’s a good idea to keep your mouth shut.” #bgbg2

Just because I disagree with you, does not mean that I hate you. We need to relearn that in our society. Love, Disagreement, and Unity: Embracing Morgan Freeman’s Wisdom – In a world filled with diverse perspectives and beliefs, it’s easy to forget the profound truth behind the words of the renowned actor, Morgan Freeman: “Just because I disagree with you, does not mean that I hate you.” As Christians, we are called to embody love, grace, and compassion in our interactions with others, even when we hold differing opinions. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of relearning this valuable lesson in our society.

The Foundation of a Blessed Nation: God, Bible, and the Words of George Washington – As we celebrate the 4th of July and reflect upon the values that shaped our great nation, it is crucial to remember the profound wisdom of our founding fathers. One such voice that resonates strongly is that of George Washington, the first President of the United States. In his quote, “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible,” Washington aptly emphasized the significance of our relationship with God and the Bible as the foundation for a prosperous and blessed nation. Today, let us delve deeper into this timeless message and its relevance in our lives, not just on patriotic occasions but throughout the year.

Popcorn and Children – Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, in the same oil and yet … the kernels do not POP at the same time. Don’t compare your child to others. Their turn to Pop Is coming! #popcorn

“God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.” Charles Spurgeon

“Consider how precious a soul must be when both God and the devil are after it.” Charles Spurgeon #CharlesSpurgeon

He (Jesus) knew that the old eye-for-eye philosophy would leave everyone blind. He did not seek to overcome evil with evil. He overcame evil with good. Although crucified by hate, He responded with aggressive love. Martin Luther King, Jr.

A quote about darkness and light by Martin Luther King Jr. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.

How do you expect to dwell with God forever if you so neglect and forsake Him here? Jonathan Edwards

Satan is most effective in the Church when he comes not as an open enemy, but as a false friend; not when he persecutes the Church, but when he joins it; not when he attacks the pulpit, but when he stands in it. John MacArthur #JohnMacArthur

The church is not just an event to attend, but a family to belong to. #BeTheMovement A Quote from J.D. Greear on Facebook. #JDGreear

Church should be your excuse for missing everything else. Church should be your excuse for missing everything else. Church should be your excuse for missing everything else. Unknown I saw this image on Facebook, not sure who made it. It was on Cumberland Gap Baptist Association. I could not find who first quoted this. While looking I did find a similar quote from Dwight L Moody aka DL Moody …

What if 2020 isn’t canceled? Maybe it’s what we are waiting for. #2020 What if 2020 isn’t canceled? What if 2020 isn’t canceled? What if 2020 is the year we’ve been waiting for? A year so uncomfortable, so painful, so scary, so raw – that it finally forces us to grow. ….

If we don’t know the Bible quote – a quote from Voddie Baucham.

Biggest obstacle to evangelism quote – a quote by Albert Mohler on evangelizing.

That’s My King by Dr. S.M. Lockridge – A great and powerful sermon by DR. S.M. Lockridge and all about Jesus Christ. #JesusChrist #ThatsMyKing #SMLockridge

You Want To Worship Quote by Hulk Hogan – A quote from Wrestler Hulk Hogan about things shutting down during this pandemic. #HulkHogan

Work of Regeneration Quote – Here is a quote from Charles Spurgeon on Regeneration, Conversion, Sanctification, Faith, Free Will, Irresistible Grace / Efficacious Grace.