Fought the Good Fight Printable this is for a free printable with 2 Timothy 4:7 on it. #bgbg2
Category: Printables

4th of July Finger Puzzle Printable – Here is a fun free finger puzzle printable for Independence Day (4th of July). #4thofJuly #IndependenceDay

Steve Patterson wrote a Christian poem/acronym for “Fourth of July” (4th of July) – Independence Day comes & everyday we owe God the thanks for our freedom. Includes a Free downloadable and printable version! #Fourth #July #4thofJuly

Names for Dad: What do you call your dad? Do you call him Father? Daddy? Old man? Here is a compiled list of names of Dad. #namesfordad #FathersDay #dad #father #FreePrintable

Father’s Day Finger Puzzle Printable – Here is a free finger puzzle printable for Father’s Day. #FathersDay

Christian acronym for the word “Father”. It is done like a free verse acrostic poem. You can even download a free version! Written by Steve Patterson. #Father #Dad #FathersDay #DadsAreAwesome #FatherAcronym

Do you like free printables that you can print on your own printer at home? Then check out this list of free Christian Printables #FreePrintables

The Knot Prayer Printable In the journey of life, we often find ourselves entangled in a web of thoughts and emotions that can hinder our progress. It’s like being caught in a series of knots, each one representing the doubts, fears, and limitations we impose upon ourselves. The Knot Prayer is a beautiful and poignant plea for divine assistance in untangling these knots. #KnotPrayer

Mother’s Day Finger Puzzle Printable – Here is a free finger puzzle printable just for Mother’s Day! #MothersDay

Easter Finger Puzzle Printable – A free finger puzzle printable for Easter. #EasterPrintable #FingerPuzzle #FreePrintable

Easter Printables – Here are some free Easter Printables that you can download and print for free. Great for the family, church or even outreach. #Easter #EasterPrintables

You’ve Been Egged- There are 12 eggs hidden in your yard! Enjoy the Hunt! But don’t be discouraged when you find the empty egg. It is a simple reminder of Jesus’ empty tomb … for He is Risen! Includes free printable version! #YouveBeenEgged #EmptyEgg #EmptyTomb #Easter

The Tradition of the Christmas Pickle – This blog post discusses the Christmas Pickle plus I share with you a FREE Printable Version. #ChristmasPickle

The Christmas Story Using Candy
The Christmas Story Using Candy – A fun and eatable way to share the Christmas Story by using candy and chocolates. #CandyChristmasStory Includes A Free Printable Version.

Ever wonder what the hidden mean of the 12 days of Christmas mean? Then check out this blog post as I share what each day of the 12 days hidden meaning. I also share when the 12 Days of Christmas actually starts too. Plus a free printable version! #12DaysChristmas #Christmas

Thanksgiving Day Quiz, test your Thanksgiving Day knowledge. Only 8 questions to answer too! There is also a free printable version too! Including an answer sheet. #Thanksgiving #ThanksgivingDay #ThanksgivingQuiz #ThanksgivingDayQuiz

FREE VBS Printables – These are great for all Vaction Bible School needs, may it be Virtual VBS, At-Home VBS, VBS in a box, and normally in-person physical VBS, here are some FREE VBS Printables to use for your Vacation Bible School. #VBSPrintables #VBS

A Christmas acronym, Christmas Acrostic, Christmas Poem written by Steve Patterson. Includes a free printable version! #Christmas #ChristmasAcronym #ChristmasAcrostic #ChristmasPoem

A Thanksgiving Poem is written by myself, Steve Patterson. This is done like an acronym acrostic type poem. Plus a free printable version to download and print! #Thanksgiving #ThanksgivingDay #ThanksgivingPoem

Twas the Day After Bible School Printable – Here is a free printable about a poem about the day after Vacation Bible School. This talks about the day after Vacation Bible School is done. I also make up a printable version too. #VBS #VacationBibleSchool