National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day – a day set aside to show appreciation for the law enforcement community.
Category: Police

Why law enforcement is essential for the community – Law enforcement personnel serve many important roles in the communities they serve.

How the role of police has evolved – Through crime prevention, emergency response and investigation, law enforcement officials are integral members of the communities they serve. #Police

National Emergency Responders Day – a day to honor all the men and women who work in the emergency responding field. #NationalEmergencyRespondersDay #EmergencyRespondersDay

Police Prayer of the Day – Today’s prayer of the day focuses on policemen and policewomen everywhere. #Police #PolicePrayer #PrayeroftheDay

Alpha Codes – These are the codes often used by the military and police for each letter of the alphabet. Includes MoresCode, 1913, 1927, 1938, World War II and 1957-Present. #AlphaCodes

School resource officer seen praying for students at school’s flagpole every day – One Arkansas school resource officer, DeAndra Warren, stops at the flagpole every day to say a special prayer for the school systems, children and the community.

National Night Out Day – an annually event that is aimed at promoting community partnerships with the police in neighborhood across the country. #NightOutDay