It is the Year of the Lord not the Year of the Rooster or any other Chinese Astrological Zodiac Sign in the Chinese New Year! We are told to stay away from astrology in the Bible. All things belong to Christ including us. We were bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus! We are to follow and honor Him and Him only. #YearoftheLord #Dog #YearoftheDog #ChineseNewYear
Category: Podcast

Your Final Destination
Your Final Destination – 10 out of 10 people die! Where will your final destination be? Is your eternal destination Heaven or Hell? (Only 2 places we will go) Plus the Video & Audio Version. #FinalDestination

A church that does not evangelize will fossilize – Meaning the church will die!

Kindness is a language the blind can see and the deaf can hear – Kindness can be seen and heard by everyone regardless if they are blind or deaf. #Kindness #Blind #Deaf

A church that wants a better pastor can get one by praying for him – Prayer works and we ought to be praying for the pastor or pastors at our church.

People see God every day they just do not recognize Him – We are made in the image of God, that is the likeness of God. Want to know what God looks like then look at each other!

Merciful like the Mandalorian – It’s is amazing how the Holy Spirit can use a young child can show us things, for example, this story about being merciful. #Merciful #Mandalorian

20 Reasons When to Keep Your Mouth Shut – Don’t Open Your Mouth! Includes Bible verses too! Whosoever keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul. Plus a free printable version!

The Chicken Sandwich War – Once there was a war between two places on a chicken sandwich, now that war added another place to make three places. (Includes a poll to cast your vote!) #ChickenSandwich #ChickenSandwichWar #ChickfilA #Popeyes #Zaxbys

Deck of Cards Gospel Presentation – You can use a deck of playing cards to share the gospel. Along with Bible verses too. Including a Free Printable version!

What does the Bible say about drums in worship? Can we use drums in our worship to the Lord? #Drums #bgbg2 #Bible

Amen is not a gender like AWoman or something like that, like Emanuel Cleaver, a practicing Methodist pastor in Missouri, did delivering the opening prayer on the first day of the 117th Congress on Sunday, January 3, 2021 … #Amen #AWoman #EmanuelCleaver

Podcast of Courageous Christian Father – Maybe trying to make an audio version of blog posts from Courageous Christian Father. #Podcast #ChristianPodcast Podcast of Courageous Christian Father I have been thinking about doing this for awhile now, with some of my older and even the newer blog post, also making them into a podcast, by including an audio file of the post. Basically, it would be me just reading the posts and sharing an audio format such as an mp3 to the post. I can do this for new post

Prayer Is Crazy Important – I have to agree with comedian Michael Jr. on that statement. #Prayer #PrayerIsCrazyImportant #MichaelJr #MakingYourLifeCount

Run To God Not Away From God – We should run to God in the trials and storms and not away from God. Run to Him even when we don’t feeling like running, going the other way or even hiding. Here are four ways to help us run to God instead of running away from God. (Includes Audio Version) #ccf #bgbg2 #podcast

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 4 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 3 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 2 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 1 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.
Unity in the Body of Christ a podcast from Justin Breeden. Scripture found in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. Imported from Music and a Message.