3rd Day of Christmas Hidden Meaning Printable

Find out when and what was given on the third day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #ThirdDayofChristmas #Christmas #12DaysofChristmas

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Boxing Day

If you are like me, you had no clue what Boxing Day is on the calendar, I thought maybe the fighting sport, but I was wrong. Find out what and when it is. Also find out what day of the week this holiday cannot be celebrated on too. #BoxingDay

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Date of Christmas - December 25

Date of Christmas: Do you know why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th? This blog post may help you with a brief statement of why and the Birth Date of Jesus Christ. #Christmas #DateofChristmas

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Xmas! It’s Merry Christmas! But do you really know what is meant by using the Term Merry XMas? Maybe even what the letter X is in Greek or even what the labarum or Chi-Rho is? #Christmas #Xmas #XP #XT #labarum, #ChiRho

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The Legend of the Poinsettia Printable

Do you know where the Poinsettia came from that we use for Christmas and in churches during Christmas? This may give you some insight on that. #Poinsettia #PoinsettiaLedgend #LedgendofthePoinsettia

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Legend of the Candy Cane A Candy Makers Witness Printable

Legend of the Candy Cane. Ever what the candy cane is symbolic of? What the colors mean and why it is shaped like the letter J and the shepherd’s staff. Now with a Printable Version! #CandyCane #CandyMakersWitness #Christmas

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Names of Santa

Do you know the names of Santa in other countries. Did you know he dresses different and his physique is also different in other countries than what’s imaged in the US? #SantaClaus #Santa #Christmas

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Patterson Post 2016

Patterson Post 2016. This is the 16th Issue of the Patterson Post, the Patterson Family Christmas Newsletter. This years theme is 12 Days of Christmas. #PattersonPost #ChristmasNewsletter

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Patterson Post 2014

Patterson Post 2014: This is 2014’s Patterson Post Christmas Newsletter. This years edition is a Christmas Comic theme. Check it out. My family does a Christmas Newsletter each year instead of Christmas Cards.

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This years Patterson Post is a Christmas Song theme newsletter. It is entitled Make a Joyful Noise. It has sheet music for Christmas songs and even a few lyrics to some Christmas songs too.

Also check out my daughters “No Bake Cookies” recipe inside as well.

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Patterson Post 2011 Cover

The 11th issue of Patterson Post. Totally redesigned. This is our annual Christmas newsletter. This years deals with various winter Holidays such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas Prayer, Eggnog Snowflakes Recipe, and more.

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