God is All-knowing - Attribute of God - Day 15. In this challenge on day 15, you had to read Isiah 55:8-11 as part of the 31 Days of the Attributes of God writing and reading challenge.

God is All-knowing – Attribute of God – Day 15. In this challenge on day 15, you had to read Isiah 55:8-11 as part of the 31 Days of the Attributes of God writing and reading challenge. In these verses it shows the all knowledge of God. That is He is all-knowing, in theology you may have heard omniscience. We cannot even fathom that knowledge. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are My

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Omniscience – God is all knowing. There is nothing that God does not know. Omniscience This weeks Theological Tuesday takes us to the word omnipresence.  We have heard there are three omni’s in theology. This is just one of the three. Omni- The first part of the word is omni-. That part just simply means all, of all things, in all ways, in all places. -Science The other part of the word is -science meaning knowing (knowledge). Combined Combined it means All Knowing. (Total Knowledge) Dr. Danny Forshee says in

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