Thrill Seekers – Colossal Coaster World – Piedmont Baptist Church – June 3-7, 2013 (Dandridge, TN)
Category: Men of the Bible

This is the Christian acronym for the word Grow. I even talk about the Grow Acronym and what grow says and means. #GrowAcronym

Great comedy video on YouTube by Michael Jr. This is about What It Would Be Like To Be Jesus’ Brother. Thou Shalt Laugh series.

Working on Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary
I am starting my Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary. Learn more about what I am studying and track my progress too. #theology

Books of the New Testament New testament bookmark. This bookmark shows 18 of the 27 New Testament. (Gospels, History & Paul’s Letters)
Paul Summarizes His Thoughts on Idol Worship, Liberty, and Conscience a podcast from Justin Breeden. Scripture found in 1 Corinthians 10:14-33 & 1 Corinthians 11:1. Imported from Music and a Message.
The Corrective Mirror of God’s Word a podcast from Justin Breeden. Scripture found in James 1:19-27. Imported from Music and a Message.
Rejection of Christ Despite Solid Evidence a podcast from Justin Breeden. Scripture found in John 11:45-47. Imported from Music and a Message.

Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness. Another part of the Fruit of the Spirit is Kindness. This blog entry talks about kindness. How many times does kindness appear in the Bible?

Peace part of the fruit of the spirit. Blog series on the Fruit of the Spirit. Take one part, per blog entry. This blog entry is on Peace. #peace #fruitofthespirit

Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
This blog entry is about the Fruit of the Spirit on Joy. I share many Bible verses on Joy. I also share with how many times the word “joy” is used in the BIble.
Perseverance, what is it? What does the Bible say about it? What can you do to help you perserve? Some parables that relate to persevering. Accountability Groups.
Sanctifying Grace
Sanctifying Grace, What is it? We are cleansed. We are sanctified, we have life to the fullness, God is in us, our bodies are temples, we all are tempted but there is a way out, we are not to be troubled or afraid, the resurrection of Christ and the dead, being fruitful, sins of the flesh, fruits of the Spirit, not baring fruit, it is written, how to grow stronger, and successful life verses.
This blog entry is about discipleship. I talk about being disciples and following God’s will. This blog entry is my notes from my Emmaus Walk, Talk #10 on Discipleship. This Talk was given by Ron Rader. Even John Henry Cardinal Newman has a good point of view on discipleship.
Scriptural Perspectives on Channels of God’s Grace
Scripture references to God’s Grace from Confirmation/Church Membership; Christian Marriage; Ordination; Prayer; Forgiveness & Healing; Baptism and Communion.
The Complete Trustworthiness of the Bible. God reveals his truth in the Bible. God also cannot lie. The Word of God is perfect.

Life in Piety
A life in piety. A Talk from my walk to Emmaus. What is piety? How to foster a God-centered relationship. Characteristics of a God-Centered relationship. Fruits of a Life in Piety.
Helpful Hideaways: The perfect Hideaways can be found within the Bible. Here are some verses that show that. (part 3 of 3)
Helpful Hideaways: The perfect Hideaways can be found within the Bible. Here are some verses that show that. (part 2 of 3)