Prayers for the fallen Marines &Naval Sailor that were gunned down in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Be Faithful in prayer! #SemperFidelis #SemperFi #USMC #Prayers #Chattanooga #USN
Category: Media & News

Churches are flying the Christian Flag above the American Flag to show the church is accountable To God before Government. #GodBeforeGovernment #ChristianFlag #AmericanFlag

Heart Wrenching Forgiveness Video
A moving forgiveness moment of a family of one of the victims from Emanuel AME Church shooting in Charleston, SC, to gunman Dylann Roof. #forgiveness #charlestonshooting

The state House has passed a bill that made the official state book of Tennessee, the Bible. Thanks to Republican Jerry Sexton, former pastor from Bean Station, TN.

Melissa Bour: Your Picture Gets Around! I saw your Oklahoma picture here in the state of Tennessee.

Special prayers to those at Lindt Cafe in Syndey being terrorized by ISIS.

Bibles are being removed from a hotel chain. Find out which ones and where! #Bible

New Market Homeless Men Building a Homeless Shelter in New Market, TN. It soon will be a place to call home for them. Still need supplies & Help finishing it.

Breaking a car window to save a child locked in a hot car is now immune from civil liability in the state of Tennessee.

Hobby Lobby takes a stand against ObamaCare dealing with contraceptives and birth control that can especially lead to abortion. #HobbyLobby

Stay current on the Knoxville area and it’s weather, scores, school closings, news and Amber Alerts with these places that send text alerts to your mobile phone.

Tips, advice and dangers texting and driving. Put your cell phone away. Distracted driving is very dangerous. #StoptheText
Saving Fuel: While an individual motorist can’t reduce gas prices, he or she may save money by using fuel more efficiently.

How to Get the most money out of your garage sale with these retail tricks – It is that time of year again, garage sales and yard sales, etc. So why not share some tips and tricks to have a successful one? #GarageSale