The Teal Pumpkin Project – Teal is the new Orange! – Help save God’s children by not giving them allergen containing treats, but other gifts instead. Plus raising awareness of food allergies during Trick or Treats or Trunk or Treats. Did you know that 1 in 13 children have a form of food allergy? #TealPumpkinProject #TealPumpkin #Halloween #Teal #FoodAllergies #FACET #FARE
Category: Media & News

Neyland Stadium the football arena for the University of Tennessee Vols. I have had several opportunities to be inside this stadium in my life time. #NeylandStadium #GBO #Vols #VFL

Below is a list of where you can hear the University of Tennessee Volunteers (Vols) play football on the radio throughout Tennessee.

Safe Debris Burning. The Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry is reminding residents who want to burn yard debris to follow simple safety practices to prevent wildfires

Sharing two business cards from Donald Trump. One of the business cards is autographed by Donald Trump #DonaldTrump #RealTrump #Trump #Trump2016 #BusinessCards

Ice Cream Sandwich that Won’t Melt, the ice cream in this product won’t melt. There are various experiments on YouTube showing that they won’t melt in the heat. Plus find out when National Ice Cream Sandwich Day is. #IceCreamSandwich

Knock Knock Go Christian Search Engine
Knock Knock Go Christian Search Engine, a Christian specific search engine to help for Christians who wish to study God’s word be it for personal growth. #KnockKnockGo #KnockKnock #SearchEngine #SEO

The Bible May Soon Be Tennessee’s Official State Book. It got its start from a Bean Station rep in February 2015 and just recently was voted by Tennessee Senate.

American Bible Society’s State of the Bible Shows Insight into Beliefs About Politicians with Half of Americans Think Bible Is Best Hope for Politicians.

Bible Survives Fiery Car Crash in Memphis. Plus the driver was sent to the hospital as non-critical condition. Heaven and earth will pass away … #Bible #Memphis

Here’s Hope Bicycle Mission an outreach ministry to help children who cannot afford a bicycle to be able to have a bicycle plus ways you can help.

Around 30 businesses, homes and churches in Townsend, TN are decorating Christmas with wooden crosses outlined in LED lights. “Christmas Crosses” #ChristmasCrosses #Townsend

Priant Pour Paris is french for Prayers for Paris after the Paris Shootings and Bombings that has terrorized the nation of France. #PrayforParis #ParisAttacks #Paris

Courageous Christian Father has been the sponsor of the Living by Faith page printed in the Smoky Mountain Trader & Tri-State Connection for one year now. #LivingbyFaith

Death by Selfie. It is now being reported that more people die from taking a selfie than a person attached by a shark. #Selfie #Selfies #Shark

A Knox County School in Tennessee is using passages from the Quran for a homework assignment for the seventh grade children. #Quran

Kim Davis was released from jail after spending nearly a week in jail.She had help from Mike Huckabee, who’s running for President and Mathew D. Straver of Liberty Counsel. #KimDavis #IAmWithKim #MikeHuckabee #LiberyCounsel

The truth about what CEO Howard Schultz of Starbucks said about if you support traditional marriage. #Starbucks #HowardSchultz

Criminalization of Christianity seems to be in the start with the arrest of Kim Davis for not issuing same-sex marriage license that went against her faith.