50K Tree Day is a Calling for Volunteers for the Tennessee State Parks! A great way to help our state park and also share the love of God in service to our state and the others around. #50KTreeDay
Category: Love
A Special Valentine that my daughter gave me three years ago, is still up above my door way of my bedroom so I can see it every time I leave my bedroom.
The Bible tells us to bear or carry one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). Find out what this involved and what it shows by doing it.
Do you get people that call or text you and you say I am sorry you have the wrong number. Do you take the time to share Jesus with that wrong number?
Outdoor Truths
This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about the whole Christmas story is one of giving. It is God giving the world His Son. #OutdoorTruths
If I was dumped because of my commitment to abstinence that is God’s way of saying I have someone better to come along that will not compromise your beliefs. I want to say Tim Tebow, God has someone better in store for you. #TimTebow #TrueLoveWaits #Abstinence
Ants work in unity to make a raft, we as Christians need to be in unity just like these ants to win souls for the Kingdom by sharing Jesus to the lost.
It’s Not About You, Mr. Pumpkin – A Children’s Christian Book about the true origins of Halloween and things often missed in that holiday. #Halloween
Check out this cover song by Sindey Montano. She did the song by Chris Tomlin At the Cross (Love Ran Red). #LoveRanRed #AtTheCross
Everyday Life in Prayer
Everyday Life in Prayer: Prayer is the answer. For all things we are to be in prayer. #prayer
My review of the Fellowship Tract League Gospel Tracts. All kinds of gospel tracts that you can oder. #GospelTracts #FellowshipTractLeague
Safe Sex: Be Married and Faithful – True Love Waits! This pretty much sums up what this blog post is about. Come on and read about it. #TrueLoveWaits #SafeSex
This is a music video for the song “Nails” by Red Letter Disciple. Can you feel the nails? Can you feel the pain? Do you know disgrace? Can you see the shame? #RedLetterDisciple #Nails
This is a perspective view of bullying using a crumbled piece of paper. Plus some Bible verses on bullying. #Bullying
AUDACITY – Full Movie
Share: Full video, Ray Comfort & Living Waters movie Audacity. Love Can’t Stay Silent. Talks about the controversy of homosexuality & how to witness to a homosexual. #Audacity #LoveWins
See what Emmanuel Baptist Church in Jefferson City, TN has on their church sign about If You’re Not Forgiving. #ChurchSign #EmmanuelBaptist #Forgiveness
This is a music video with lyrics for the song “Turn Around” by Arsenal Christian Band on Righteous Rock TV (RRTV). Arsenal Christian Band is a great Christian Rock band.
Man can pass a law saying it’s legal for same-sex marriage, but God’s law trumps all laws. We answer to God on judgement day. Woe is a Nation who turns away from God. Plus trailer to Audacity. #Marriage
I will have to say 2015, I got the best Father’s Day gifts ever from my daughter. Click to find out what she got me. #FathersDay
Heart Wrenching Forgiveness Video
A moving forgiveness moment of a family of one of the victims from Emanuel AME Church shooting in Charleston, SC, to gunman Dylann Roof. #forgiveness #charlestonshooting