The official mime video for Man vs God along with a transcript of the video. A poem is by Ryan and Tilmon #ManvsGod (God Vs Man) #GodVsMan
Category: Love
Relationships Acronym. This is an acrostic acronym for the word relationships. It is a Christian one too.
Children Step On Your Toes As A Child, Step On Your Heart As They Grow Up. Did you know we do the same thing to our Heavenly Father?
Check out this inspiring young boy journey at handing out gospel tracts. Not to mention, it was a rainy day as this young boy handed them out. That tract you hand out just may save someone who is lost. #GospelTracts #Rain
God’s Compass Review & Trailer! GOD’S COMPASS demonstrates, the Lord’s universal Truth, that no matter what we faces in life there is a greater force, a greater wisdom that guides us when we follow God’s Plan for our life, our “True NORTH.” #GodsCompass
Georgia Teen Gives Boyfriend a Filled in Journaling Bible. This teen gave her boyfriend this Bible because he wanted a Bible for Christmas. #JournalingBible #Bible #GeorgiaTeen
Replace the word love with Jesus then compare it to your name. Like Love is kind. Jesus is kind. Steve is kind. (in place of Steve, use your name is kind) using 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, the love chapter. I made a free printable version you can download and print too. #Printable #1Corinthians13 #Love
The LSD of the Bible as found in James 1. I am not talking about the drug LSD but three words in the Bible that make the acronym LSD. #LSD #Bible
I went and met my mom and handed her the InkSpiration Fruit of the Spirit Adult Coloring Book. She was very impressed even saying, “Wow!” #InkSpiration #AdultColoringBook
Are you a good person? Comic featuring Mr. Nice Guy
Are you a good person? A Gospel tract Uses God’s Law to help witness & share your testimonial to other people. This comic is part of the Way of the Master. Now with free downloadable and printable versions! #GoodPersonTest #WayoftheMaster
This is an unofficial music video for the song C-h-r-i-s-t by Shai Linne, Christian Rapper. Christ created all things, right? (Yeah!) Lord of Lords, King … #ShaiLinne
The Back Pew Comic by Jeff Larson on Tough Love and the Rebellious Son who refuse to obey their dads. If your son is stubborn, disobeys and does not … #BackPew
Giving in marriage
The Bible tells us we know that were in the in the last days as people are giving in marriage. It seems people are too quick to marry someone. #GivinginMarriage
Doctrine of Election by Shai Linne
This is the song and lyrics to the song Doctrine of Election by Shai Linne. Shai Linne is a Biblical Rapper and Theological Rapper. Rapping the Truth. #Election #DoctrineofElection #ShaiLinne
Regeneration by Shai Linne
This is the video song and lyrics to the song Regeneration by Shai Linne. Shai Linne is a Christian Rapper who raps Biblical & Theological truths. #ShaiLinne #Regeneration
This is a lyric music video for the song Arise My Love by Newsong. I also include the lyrics to the song in the blog post. #Newsong #AriseMyLove
Operation Christmas Child Exceeds Collection Goal by collecting more than 8.7 million shoebox gifts—filled with fun toys, school supplies & hygiene items —for children in need around the world. #OperationChristmasChild #OCCconnect #OCC
IMVO (It’s My Very Own) Bags of Love, is a faith-based non-profit organization. IMVO works along with the child protective services and they help give a bag of love with stuff for the children that get removed from where there parents were manufacturing drugs in the home. #IMVO #BagsofLove
Food servers are among some of the hardest working employees in the food service industry, but sometimes their efforts go unrecognized. Here are some tips can often help show the love of God to your servers.
Remission Plan by Nostalgia. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins. Christ paid the price in full. His blood was shed for all. #RemissionPlan #Nostalgia