Steve's Eagle Scout Banquet

The Scout Law – A Christian Point of View – While I was in the scouts my post frequent position was Chaplain’s Aide. I was the one that prepared sermons when we went camping. We said a prayer at every meeting. Our troop always did the Lord’s Prayer together. I want to share with you the 12 points of the Scout Law and how each point can related to being a Christian. Even as Christians we can live by these 12 points of the Scout Law. It doesn’t matter if you are a Scout or not. #ScoutLaw #BoyScouts

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Responded with Aggressive Love

He (Jesus) knew that the old eye-for-eye philosophy would leave everyone blind. He did not seek to overcome evil with evil. He overcame evil with good. Although crucified by hate, He responded with aggressive love. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Blessing Bags (Screenshot)

Blessing Bags – Fill a bag full of usable items and give them away to those in need like the homeless. Maybe a great way to share the love of of Christ instead of giving cash out to a stranger. #BlessingBags

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