Proverbs 4: Day 4 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Four of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs4 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge
Category: Laws

Proverbs 3: Day 3 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Three of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs3 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge

Proverbs 2: Day 2 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Two of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs2 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge

If there was no God than Everything is Permissible because there would be no moral standards to live by and we would not have had the 10 Commandments which is the bases for all laws today.

Sin … Paid Immediately. What if we had to pay for our sin immediately? What would that punishment be? How would that change the way we look at sin? #Sin

Removing the 10 Commandments from places don’t make them go away. The 10 Commandments are the standards on which all laws are created and the first set of Laws God gave us to live by. #10Commandments

Kim Davis was released from jail after spending nearly a week in jail.She had help from Mike Huckabee, who’s running for President and Mathew D. Straver of Liberty Counsel. #KimDavis #IAmWithKim #MikeHuckabee #LiberyCounsel

Criminalization of Christianity seems to be in the start with the arrest of Kim Davis for not issuing same-sex marriage license that went against her faith.

Uncommon (Movie Review & Trailer)
Movie review & trailer to “Uncommon” “Find your voice” & educate students, teachers, & parents about the fact that students do NOT lose their free speech & freedom of religion when they enter the schoolhouse #Uncommon

Man can pass a law saying it’s legal for same-sex marriage, but God’s law trumps all laws. We answer to God on judgement day. Woe is a Nation who turns away from God. Plus trailer to Audacity. #Marriage

A Mirror shows us what is wrong, just like our spiritual mirror does the same thing.

Homosexuality is a behavior billboard
I talk and discuss about a controversial billboard. Homosexuality is a behavior billboard. I share Bible verses and more.

McFaith video by bluefishTV (youtube) What if having faith was just as easy as ordering at a fast food joint. Is it that easy, can we pick and choose or only one way?

All Scripture is God-breathed.

Today is day 22 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I am thankful for mountains.

What if it was illegal to go to church or witness? Worship Jesus Christ? Would you be bold and still do it facing jail, lose of job, schooling, or even death?

Calling Tennessee to Vote Yes on 1 to help save lives. What is yes on 1? Why should I vote Yes on 1? #yeson1tn

Breaking a car window to save a child locked in a hot car is now immune from civil liability in the state of Tennessee.