Survival Kit for Law Enforcement – a goody bag full of candy and messages to help show your support for your local law enforcement officers.
Category: Law Enforcement
Thank A Police Officer Day – When you see a police officer be sure to thank him or her for their service. I do this to everyone I pass on a daily basis. I encourage you to do the same thing, not just on this one day! #Police #PoliceOfficer #ThankAPoliceOfficerDay #Blue #bluelivesmatter
This is the Police Officers Prayer #Police #PoliceOfficer #Prayer #PoliceOfficersPrayer (Lord I ask for courage. Courage to face and
National Police Week & Peace Officers Memorial Day – A week long day to honor our police officers and a day to remember those peace officers as well.
How to show appreciation to the law enforcement community. When private citizens come into contact with law enforcement, that contact is not always made under ideal circumstances. National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.) is January 9th each year!
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day – a day set aside to show appreciation for the law enforcement community.
Why law enforcement is essential for the community – Law enforcement personnel serve many important roles in the communities they serve.
Project Blue Light – A project to light up your porch with a blue light in honor of police and law enforcement who lost their lives while in the line of duty. So help show your support for those who have lost their lives while on the line of duty … Light up your porch or window in blue lights! #ProjectBlueLight #BlueLight
Police Lip Sync Challenge using Christian Music – I have gathered a list of those Police Departments, Police Officers and Police Chiefs who have done the Police Lip Sync Challenge using Christian Music.
Another I Can Only Imagine Police Lip Sync – This time Chief Jeff Blake of the Amboy Police Department in Illinois answers with MercyMe’s song I Can Only Imagine. #ICanOnlyImagine
Grace Got You Police Lip Sync – Chief David Benjamin of the Aberdeen Police Department in Ohio takes the challenge with Grace Got You by MercyMe. #PoliceLipSync
God’s Not Dead Police Lip Sync – The Crandall Police Department answers the police lip sync contest with the Newsboy’s God’s Not Dead. #GodsNotDead #CrandallPD
I Can Only Imagine Police Lip Sync – Hollywood Police Chief Jason Hepler along with his K9, Fox lip sing the song I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe. #ICanOnlyImagine
Freezer Pops for Kids – The Lexington Police Department received a semi truck full of freezer pops.
Romans 8:31 Bracelets to Benefit Knoxville Police Department. Ryan Hudson, a Knoxville, TN Resident made these bracelets and announced it on Facebook. #KnoxvillePolice #KnoxvillePoliceDepartment #Romans831
Knoxville Police Department Removed Bible Verse … If God is for us, who can be against us. This verse has been up for 50 years of tradition.
Agency D3, is a totally new vacation bible school (VBS) experience: discover, decide, & defend the truth about who Jesus at Piedmont Baptist Church. #apologetics #VBS #AgencyD3