A Christmas acronym, Christmas Acrostic, Christmas Poem written by Steve Patterson. Includes a free printable version! #Christmas #ChristmasAcronym #ChristmasAcrostic #ChristmasPoem
Category: Jesus Christ
Forgiveness can be easier said than done. Do you easily forgive others when they do wrong to you? Have you ever had anyone not forgive you and you wished they did? What does it mean to forgive? #forgiveness #BGBG2
Judgement House
Judgement House changing lives w/walk-through drama presentation of the gospel. See what it would be like to accept or reject Jesus w/portrayals of heaven & hell. #JudgementHouse
CPR acronym – a Christian acronym for CPR. #CPR
Pirates used a Cat-O-Nine-Tails as punishment – This is similar punishment that Jesus Christ was flogged with. It has often also has been called “A Cat on the Back” (Ten lashes, Nine Tails). #Pirates #PiratesMuseum #CatONineTails #Flogging #bgbg2
Twas the Day After Bible School Printable – Here is a free printable about a poem about the day after Vacation Bible School. This talks about the day after Vacation Bible School is done. I also make up a printable version too. #VBS #VacationBibleSchool
Global Outreach Day – This is a day set aside for sharing your faith even though every day should be Global Outreach Day! #GlobalOutReachDay
The Christian Flag, a popular pledge said during Vacation Bible School (VBS). I share what the colors mean in the flag and some other tid-bits about the Christian Flag. #ChristianFlag #ChristianFlagPledge | Free Printable version!
Your Final Destination
Your Final Destination – 10 out of 10 people die! Where will your final destination be? Is your eternal destination Heaven or Hell? (Only 2 places we will go) Plus the Video & Audio Version. #FinalDestination
Kryptonite Is Like Sin – Did you know that Kryptonite is like sin. If you ever watched Superman. You know that Kryptonite weakness Superman, it gets rid of his strength. #Kryptonite
John Harper, Baptist Pastor, Hero aboard Titanic
John Harper was a baptist pastor & a hero aboard the Titanic, a ship they said wouldn’t sink. Find out why he is a hero! #Titanic #Titanic104 #JohnHarper #LastTitanicHero
The 6 panel door is said to represents two Christian symbols. The Cross & an Open Bible. I share if this is true or not about these Cross & Bible Doors / Christian Doors.
Jesus Shows His Scars – Jesus shows His Scars, wounds to His disciples to show them He was who He says He is. Those scars are also a reminder of His payment for us. What He did for us on the Cross! #Scars #Easter
Proverbs 30
Proverbs 30: Day 30 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Thirty of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs30 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge
You, Sin and Christ – Simple Illustration is a Great illustration to show how Christ cleanses us from sin. You Sin Christ Illustration including Bible References and chemicals used. #you #sin #Christ
Proverbs 29: Day 29 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Twenty Nine of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs29 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge
Proverbs 27: Day 27 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Twenty Seven of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs27 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge
That Tomb Is Still Empty! – Easter Story told by Two Kids – Come and listen to these very young kids tell you the Easter Story. The kids names are Levi and Lia Mullen. They share about the empty tomb. The video shown above is first of four in the series.
this blog post shows the acronym for the word Cross. #Cross #Easter
Resurrection Rolls – These are rolls that have basic ingredients and easy to make. Each item represents a part of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ including the finished product to look like the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. #ResurrectionRolls