I do a review of Biblical Times Dinner in Pigeon Forge. Is the show good? How’s the food? I share my thoughts on this attraction. #Bible #PigeonForge #Dinner
Category: Jesus Christ

Do you wave your white flag? Do you surrender your all for Him? I talk about waving your white flag and share the Chris Tomlin song “White Flag”. #whiteflag

I blog about “Remove Your Lids”. Removing your lid shows respect. When should we remove our lids? What is a lid? Find out in this blog entry. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

The Knoxville Zoo: A Place to Show Case God’s Creation
The Knoxville Zoo, My Christian Review. You can share several types of Biblical stories there including the creation story or even Noah and the Ark. #KnoxvilleZoo #BGBG2

What Book in the Bible should you read first? Good starting point? Not sure what to read next in the Bible? Find out why The Gospel of John is the one.

Agency D3, is a totally new vacation bible school (VBS) experience: discover, decide, & defend the truth about who Jesus at Piedmont Baptist Church. #apologetics #VBS #AgencyD3

Premarital Biblical Counseling
Premarital Biblical Counseling, a must before you think about tying the knot, about get married.

A church sign that talks about God is good. This church sign reminded me of the God’s Not Dead Movie. #churchsign #GodsNotDeadMovie

Sinking Souls – Titanic Museum Review
Learning how many people died in the sinking of the Titanic made me wonder about the sinking souls aboard. Were there heroes telling people how to believe on Jesus aboard the Titanic? Is there any Christian aspects? Will the Titanic Museum share this information? Find out in this review. #Titanic #TitanicMuseum #Titanic104

Want to make your own homemade heating or cooling pack? Now you can with rice packs. Check out this blog post on more information. #ricepacks #homemade

Finding Favour live in concert at the 2014 Unity Festival in White Pine, TN. Presented by Tree Ministry. Free event with food, games & fellowship, Plus the Muscle Car Ministry! #UnityFestival #FindingFavour

The Saint John’s Bible Exhibit
This blog post is about The Saint John’s Bible. I visited an exhibit with the Saint John’s Bible on display. I talk about this Bible in this blog post. #SaintJohnsBible #Bible

Heaven is For Real Movie Review
This blog entry contains the review of the movie, Heaven is for Real. Is Colton’s vision of heaven what heaven truly is like or is it just that a vision? #HeavenIsForRealMovie #HeavenIsForReal #Heaven

Skillet’s Song, This is the Last Night. I share the song with you, some lyrics, and what the song is about. #LastNight #suicide #skillet

What is it about your dashed line on your tombstone that really counts? What does that dashed line mean? What can you do during that time?

I take a poplar gospel tract or witnessing method and redesign it and get it professionally printed. The Are You A Good Person Test. #GoodPersonTest

Pastor, Bob Neal of Piedmont Baptist, was preaching he said a quote that stuck with me. Praise is Faith Turned Inside Out! #Faith #Praise

Check out what this Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church says freedom is not free and who paid the cost for that freedom. #churchsigns

Another great way to share a testimony is through cardboard testimonies. Our youth group recently got to do a cardboard testimony. I got to help do the cardboard testimony. Check out what mine said that day. #Coardboardtestimonies

Check out what this graphic says about what the constitution provides for us. It is dealing with religion. #freedom #religion #constitution