Home Run, A Christian faith-based film. This film is about addiction and overcoming it. This film also talks about Celebrate Recovery. I briefly talk about this film and review it. #HomeRun
Category: Jesus Christ

Fishing for men exactly what Jesus told us to do. Fish for men. What does that mean? Do we reel these men in on a hook? #fishing

The great catch: Can you imagine fishing all day, not catching a single fish, someone telling you to go back out. You obey & catch a multitude of fish. That is exactly what happened to these men.

This is the sermon from Greg Laurie and my notes from his sermon entitled “What the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know.”

If God’s Important to you, then why isn’t He in your profiles? Most of all of us are Online. We have Twitter, Facebook or if we are single, dating profiles. We all say He is first, but we don’t make mention of Him in our profiles. How can others tell He is first if we don’t make mention of Him there?

Death happens
Death happens it is part of life. Why must we die? What happens when we die? I write a blog post about death and it being a part of life.

Find out what looking up to Jesus will prevent.

Righteous Rock Radio a Christian Ministry for Christian Rock Music. They help with concerts and other you can even listen to them online! #ChristianMusic

Carl Williams Cross Collection, a huge collection of crosses, located in a museum in Williamsburg, KY.

I review Kentucky Splash Water Park in Williamsburg, KY. Is it family friend? Maybe Christian oriented? #WaterPark #KentuckySplash #Kentucky #Williamsburg

What is the number 777. What does it mean? Is it God’s number? See some facts I found. #777

Sin City, what is it? I am not talking about Las Vegas, NV. I am talking about another type of Sin City. #SinCity

Arrested for going to Church: Would you go to church knowing if you arrived you would be arrested on the spot?

Freedom is not free, this church sign is a reminder that freedom is not free. There is always a cost to freedom. #Freedom

Killed for being a Christian: Would you gladly stand up and say you are a Christian and face being put to death or would you deny Christ and live?

Muppets Choir video shared on my blog. Listen as the sing a gospel song, Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus. This is a must watch and listen! #Muppets #Jesus

Camouflaged in sin, can sin be camouflaged where you don’t realize that you are sinning? Do you blend into the world or do you stand out? #sin #camouflage

It is sad to see the USA Soccer fans disrespecting our American Flag. Dragging it on the ground, writing their city on it in marker, and more. #USA #AmericanFlag

Genius: Do you know who John Lennon is? the Beatles? How does Lennon relate to Christianity? Find out in this soul rocking video. #Genius #JohnLennon #Beatles

Dads get your FREE FISH! Find out where & when! Also 3 different Bible topics you can share while eating your free fish with family. #free #fish #freefish