Check out what Evangelist Andrew Green says about the government and making laws, but what he also says about God and Sin. You will want to check this out! You Cannot Stop God!
Category: Jesus Christ

A Billboard in Tennessee that says “Fight the Good Fight of Faith”. #faith #fight This billboard is near the 407 exit on I-40.

Steve’s Christian review of the 2014 Movie, Left Behind Movie. Plus I share the trailer to this movie. #leftbehind

September 2014, was record breaking stats for Courageous Christian Father. Find out what stats were broken during September.

This is a BEC Recording music video of 7eventh Time Down performing their song “Just Say Jesus”. #7SeventhTimeDown #JustSayJesus

Listen to what this little boy known as the Sky Angel Cowboy has to say to a radio station about losing pet and talks about God giving up His son.

A billboard in Portland is stirring up controversy. It has the appearance of a Bible, with a Bible verse on one side and a quote on the other.

Do you know what the Yolo means? It is an acronym. Have you heard of it? #Yolo

Find out what two recent church signs I passed said that made me shake my head. #churchsigns

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 4 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 3 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 2 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Righteous Rock Radio Interview Part 1 – My interview about Courageous Christian Father on Righteous Rock Radio with songs selected by me.

Here is an encouraging word, that I just wrote about the both the Son and Sun shining bright. Check out what I had to say. #Son #Sun

Baptism is it required or not required to be saved. Plus, I so some proof why or not not. #baptism

Can you imagine being at sea on a boat and a mighty storm, hurricane like comes about. You are a sleep and calm, but the rest of the crew is panicking and running about like chickens when their heads cut off. That is exactly what happened to these men aboard this ship.

This blog post I talk whether or not I believe Christians should tattoos and why. #tattoos

Read what this Alpha Baptist church sign says about Jesus First. #ChurchSigns

This is the Billboards music video for Praise You in the Storm by Casting Crowns. I really like this song, because no matter what we should praise Him. #CastingCrowns

Hundreds Survive Shipwreck
Hundreds survive shipwreck unharmed, ship destroyed, crew went without food while they were in the strong storm and winds for 14 days.