How does a one way sign relate to the Bible? Find out in this Road Signs of the Bible blog post.
Category: Jesus Christ

This is an audio spot that Righteous Rock Radio (3R Radio) done for Courageous Christian Father.

Stop Sign, part of the Road Signs of the Bible series at Courageous Christian Father.

I discuss whether Christian Bands should play in bars or pubs.

I blog about a ministry, this ministry is called Righteous Rock TV.

This is the audio commercial done for with assistance from Righteous Rock TV and Righteous Rock Radio.

January 8 is the birthday for Elvis Presley . Do you know who he said is King to his fans? Jesus! People still called Elvis the King of Rock, but Jesus is the King of all Kings.

This is the official music video for HB. This is The Jesus Metal Explosion. HB is a Heavy Christian Metal Band from Forssa, Finland. (Plus lyrics)

I talk about Karma and why it is unbiblical. #Karma #bgbg2

God calls the willing not the able. Your qualifications don’t matter. Elegant Speech, Grammar or even Spelling. God will use those who are willing to serve, not those who are able to serve.

I blogged about my second experience to Xtreme Winter in Gatlinburg, TN. Read about my experience here. #XtremeWinter

Watch this video and notice that it will show Happy Birthday Jesus. This was at Farris Motor Company in Jefferson City, TN on December 25, 2014.

The Jesus Boat: Witness to Prophecy a movie review and the trailer.

Check out this 3D life-size billboard of Jesus on the Cross.

This is the official Christmas Music Video of for KING & COUNTRY performing the Christmas Song “Baby Boy”. If you told me all about your sorrows. I’d tell you about a cure. If you told me you can’t fight the battle.

Special prayers to those at Lindt Cafe in Syndey being terrorized by ISIS.

Check out that this sign says about PBJ Sandwiches.PBJ (Peanut Butter & Jelly) … It’s more than just a sandwich! It’s People Being Jesus.

Crowder performs live Go Tell It on the Mountain for Air1. While shepherds were out watching, Their silent flocks by night, Behold throughout the heavens …

Check out this moving picture of a dog in the Manager with baby Jesus. The breed of the dog is a Shepherd.

Check out this video of NFL football player Benjamin Watson getting cut off the air for saying Jesus Christ.