Christian Pick Up Lines - Dating Couple - Do you like Christian Humor? How about Christian Humor about dating? Check out some of these funny, cheesy or even weird Christian Pick Up Lines (over 40!) #ChristianPickUpLines

Do you like Christian Humor? How about Christian Humor about dating? Check out some of these funny, cheesy or even weird Christian Pick Up Lines (over 40!) #ChristianPickUpLines

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Repentance It's a 180 not a 360 (About Face)

Repentance: It’s a 180 not a 360! People will tell people you just need to do a 360 in your life. But if we did a 360 that means they are now facing the direction that they were. In order to turn your life around, you must do a 180.

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A License to Sin. A lot of people think that because they are under grace they can do as they please, a license to sin you can call it. As Christians do we have a license to sin and live the way we want or is that license to sin denied? Find out in this blog entry.

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InkSpiration Fruit of the Spirit Adult Coloring Book - Cover

I went and met my mom and handed her the InkSpiration Fruit of the Spirit Adult Coloring Book. She was very impressed even saying, “Wow!” #InkSpiration #AdultColoringBook

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400 students serenade teacher fighting cancer with hymn Holy Spirit

Mr. Ben Ellis passes away from his battle with cancer, just days prior 400 students serenade teacher fighting cancer with hymn. The students and faculty sung Holy Spirit to Mr. Ben Ellis at his Nashville, TN home. #BenEllis #ChristPresbyterianAcademy #Nashville #Cancer

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Shai Linne Lyrical Theology Part 1 - Regeneration

This is an unofficial music video for the song C-h-r-i-s-t by Shai Linne, Christian Rapper. Christ created all things, right? (Yeah!) Lord of Lords, King … #ShaiLinne

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Hypostatic Union - Shai Linne

“The Hypostatic Union”. It’s the first single off Shai Linne’s album, Lyrical Theology Part One. It was produced by Die-Rek. Shai Linne is a Christian Rapper, Theologian Rapper. #HypostaticUnion #ShaiLinne

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The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden - Gospel Compromise

The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is The Ephesian Elders. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW

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The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden - Gospel Compromise

The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is Boast in the Lord. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW

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Shai Linne Lyrical Theology Part 1 - Regeneration

This is the video song and lyrics to the song Regeneration by Shai Linne. Shai Linne is a Christian Rapper who raps Biblical & Theological truths. #ShaiLinne #Regeneration

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Everything is Permissible

If there was no God than Everything is Permissible because there would be no moral standards to live by and we would not have had the 10 Commandments which is the bases for all laws today.

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